Chapter 3 (Lan Zhan)

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The fly to Qinghe was an exhausting one. They flew as fast as they could but it still took them two days to reach. Lan Wangji could only hope that something eventful will happen.

The Yiling Laozu was only a legend till yesterday for Lan Wangji. He was only seen in story books or sometimes, people just liked to make up exaggerated rumours about the immortal. However, the fact that he is very much real, or atleast according to the letter send back to them, was unsettling for Lan Wangji. Maybe, he concluded, it was the nerves due to the war. If the Yiling Laozu had replied back, he would most likely be willing to be their ally.

The Jin sect entered the main hall of the Nie sect almost at the same time as the Lan sect. However Jin Zongzhu was acting very out of place. It almost looked like he was intimidated. Infact, Lan Wangji noticed that most of the people in the hall looked quite out of place. Even Jiang Wanyin was fidgeting.

Lan Wangji tried to calm his nerves down and took his designated seat next to his uncle. His posture looked immaculate as ever and so did his facial expression. Nothing looked out of place even though his mind was overwhelmed with different emotions, rightly living upto his title of the second jade of Lan.

“Welcome to the Unclean Realm fellow cultivators. Today we have gathered to embark on a new journey. As we have already informed all of the sects gathered here about the reply we got back from the Yiling Laozu, we can only hope that the immortal will speak in our favour today.” The gruff voice of Nie Zongzhu filled the hall.

“That’s well and good. But I cannot fathom as to why the immortal would only write back to you Nie Zongzhu.” Lan Wangji frowned at Jin Zongzhu’s “concern”. He always had some sort of ulterior motive whenever he opened his mouth. This time too his words would clearly invoke doubt in the minds of the people who were present.

“And what does Jin Zongzhu mean by that?” Nie Zongzhu was easy to anger which would only work more in the favour of Jin Zongzhu. Lan Wangji could only sigh as the murmurs in the hall increased.

“Surely Nie Zongzhu understands what Jin Zongzhu meant?”

Lan Wangji knew that voice. It was Jin Zixuan’s cousin, Jin Zixun. The boy wasn’t the most intelligent person in the room and he never knew when to not open his mouth. Lan Qiren sighed next to Lan Wangji and the younger Lan could already imagine that his uncle disapproved of Jin Zixun. If Lan Xichen would was been present he would have known how to difuse the situation.

“Jin Gongzi….you are rather rude for talking to Da-ge in that manner.” Nie Huaisang who was sitting a station lower to Nie Zongzhu voiced out. “Da-ge didn’t even know if the Yiling Laozu was real or not. And, I think we all know who is the most honest and dishonest person among all the sects are.”

Oh! Nie Huaisang was angry. Lan Wangji never saw the second young master Nie losing his cool. Maybe an attack thrown at his brother in such a provocative manner made him act so. Him being the younger brother also made him realise that he would have done the same if somebody attacked his Xiongzhang as well. Jin Zixun’s face was a show to look at as it changed colours from green to purple to red.

Just as Jin Zixun was about to retort, a nie disciple came running in and he looked like he was out of breath. Did he directly fly into the hall on his sword? He looked rather disheveled. He almost tripped over his own two feet as he bowed down in front of Nie Zongzhu.

“Zongzhu….they are here…..the Yiling Laozu is here!”

Lan Wangji froze and so did a number of people, specifically Nie Huaisang. Nie Zongzhu stood up from his throne forgetting about the Jins and their provocation thrown at him. His hand was tightly gripping around his saber, Baxia.

“Invite them in.”

“Yes Zongzhu.” With a bow the discipline turned around and left hurriedly.

For the next few seconds everybody stood still in their places. The hall was too silent for the number of people that were present in it. Everybody was looking towards the entrance, curious about what  the immortal might look like. Was he as powerful looking as Wen Ruohan? Or was he someone with a long white beard? Nobody could even imagine what an immortal must look like. But, one thing was common and that is, they all thought he would look like someone who demanded respect at each step he took.

First, they heard a few heavy footsteps approaching the entrance. Must be the Yiling Laozu with his disciples. Then, they heard the voice of a woman. She sounded strong, commanding….was the Yiling Laozu a woman in reality? Then they saw the Nie disciple enter, followed by a woman wearing red as if it was her wedding. A few other young men followed her and they were all dawned in black robes with red accents. She walked in with her head held high as her tall golden head-dress jingled. The young men followed her and they looked extremely intimidating. She stood in front of Nie Zongzhu who was openly staring at her. Who wouldn’t? Nobody thought that the Yiling Laozu could be a woman.

“Greetings Nie Zongzhu. This one is Wei Qing…the Yiling Laozu’s second in command.” The woman bowed.

“Greetings Wei-Guniang ……it is a pleasure to have you here.” Nie Zongzhu bowed back to her. His posture loosened as he realised that she wasn’t who he thought she was. Even the people around the hall let out sighs.

“A-Yi….uh….the Yiling Laozu was held back as something personal came up. He would join us in a few minutes.”

Lan Wangji thought that the woman was impressive. To be the second in command to an immortal must require someone to be very strong. Even his uncle was looking intrigued as he stroked his beard. The others were still staring at the group. It was only Nie Huaisang whose eyes glistened with mischief and Lan Wangji had no desire to know what he was thinking about.

“ Please don’t be bothered….. Huaisang show the respected guests to their seats.” Nie Zongzhu sounded weirdly polite.

“Sure Da-ge”.

Slowly the people in the hall settled down as Nie Huaisang was showing the new guests to their seats. Just as Wei-Guniang was about to take her seat somebody entered the hall in a flurry of black and red robes, much like the men who followed Wei-Guniang, except that his robes were more elaborate. He was smiling widely as his silver eyes glittered under the setting sun that trickled in through the windows. His long hair tied into a half-do swished along with the gentle breeze. His cheeks were flushed with the a youthful glow.

Lan Wangji’s heartbeat thudded against his chest. Everybody around the room also stopped for a moment and Wei-Guniang’s lips formed into a grimace.

“Qing-jie….I am not late am I?!!!”

“Wei Wuxian!!! What sort of immortal are you?!!!”

Wei Guniang’s last sentence made everyone’s jaw to hit the ground. There was a pin drop silence as they watched the boy in front of them. He didn’t look more than nineteen and hence they tried to digest the fact that this was the famous Yiling Laozu they all heard of. The one, who was supposedly the Grandmaster in demonic cultivation.

“Y-you?!! The Yiling Laozu?!!” whose voice was it? Lan Wangji was so shocked that he was not in the state to register who shouted out that question. Maybe it was Jiang Wanyin. All he could focus on was the extremely beautiful boy in front of him who was grinning and…..oh! was he shining?  Lan Wangji thought that he must be hallucinating. People don’t shine, do they?

“Greetings, this one is Wei Ying courtesy Wuxian, or as you all refer to me as the Yiling Laozu”

Lan Wangji could only stare at the young boy in front of him in disbelief.


Wei Ying is finally here!!!

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