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TW: cheating (idk if this counts as a trigger). For anyone who has been cheated on I'm so sorry you deserve better than the twat who decided to hurt you by going behind your back. Love you all <3

The day I told Ben it was over was really hard and I'll never forget how I felt. At least I thought it was over at the time...

I don't even remember much from that day but I remember throwing a rugby ball backwards and forwards to Harry and I heard a girl who I'm pretty sure was called Vicki talking to someone. I decided to be nosy and see who she was talking to.

I turned my head slightly and saw her talking to Ben and was holding hands with her. Then he leaned in and kissed her. He must of forgotten I hung out near him or he probably would've of cheated on me in private.

I remember being stood there in shock, not throwing the ball to Harry.

"Nick, pass the ball!" Harry said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry just zoned out." I said throwing the ball laughing it off.

A few hours late I got a text message from Ben saying:

Meet me in the library?

I typed a response that said:

What about your girlfriend?

I deleted that one because I knew he would just lie about her and instead typed:

I don't like you anymore.

But I knew he would question that and try and talk to me about it at school so I settled with:

I don't want to meet up anymore.

To which he replied with:


And he sent this bullshit:


Ffs our mates won't find out.

Stop ignoring me Nick.


I ended up locking my phone and turning over and going to sleep trying to get over it. Not that I realised at the time it was going to take me a long time to get over it.

A/N: Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter is going to be quite triggering so if you want to skip it I won't be offended. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story! Love you all

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