Chapter Four

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Sirius Black never liked Lily Evans. She was stuck up and thought she knew everything. He had put up with her just because James fancied her...and now that James was going to go after a new bird...well, he was going to make sure he caught this one.

Sirius was going to make sure James got the girl he wanted. As he walked into the library he finally spotted the person he had been looking for, for that last hour.

"Ah! There you are Marline...I have been looking for you" Sirius said, almost purring as he made his way to the girl that was sitting down in the corner of the library.

Marline lifter her eyebrow, "oh, have you my dear Sirius...what can I do for you this fine evening?"

Sirius grinned, "I need all the information on Kagome Higurashi...and I mean ALL of it."

Marline blinked, "Information on Kagome Higurashi? What kind of information?" She knew some about the raven haired girl, but she had never talked to the girl personally before.

Sirius smirked, "All the information you have. Likes, dislikes, favorites, birthday, family life...those kind of things."

Marline frowned but nodded, as she thought of all the information she had on the girl, "Her name is Kagome Sakura Higurashi. She is a Seventh year." She paused before continuing, "Her birthday is December twenty-fourth...her favorite classes are Ancient Runes, and Defence Against the Dark Arts. She gets good grades in all her classes, but she isn't the best in transfiguration...and she tolerates Potions...sometimes. She tries to avoid making them if she can..."

Sirius wrote down all the information she was giving him, so he could give it to James. He would want to make sure he had everything at his disposal.

Marlie tapped her pointer finger to her chin thinking, "Her favorite colors are Gryffindor red, all shades of blue, and hazel. Her favorite flowers are forget-me-nots, and red roses." She paused again before she continued on, "She likes things simple, nothing too extravagant, but I have a feeling that is because how she grew up."

Sirius frowned, "How did she grow up?"

Marline gave him a small smile, "I'll get there in a minute...let me finish her likes and dislikes first..."

Sirius gave a small huff, but let her continue on.

Marline smiled at his response but she continued on with what she knew about the girl, "She tends to have a sweet tooth from what I have noticed...though she tends to like pasta dishes the most...she dislikes anything that is creepy crawly, such as bugs.." she took a deep breath before she went on and listed more, "She has a soft spot for bats and owls...though she does have a fascination with canines like, wolves, foxes and dogs."

"And...for how she grew up...Kagome is an orphan. She is a second generation pureblood. She lives in a muggle orphanage though. She has no family left..from what I heard her family was killed when she was rather small...she doesn't remember much about them...she also had a younger brother who is also no longer alive."

Sirius frowned at this information, he now knew why she didn't like extravagant things. She wasn't used to it because she grew up in an orphanage. She wasn't used to getting expensive things...or getting things she wanted...Kagome Higurashi was only used to getting things she needed.

Marline continued on, she didn't have very much information left, "Kagome doesn't have any friends...she has lots of acquaintances...but no friends. She gets along with just about everyone though...and she can always be found in the library if it isn't nice outside. If it is nice outside she likes to sit by the lake reading a book."

Marline smiled at Sirius, "And that is all I really have on her...not as much as others...but enough."

Sirius gave her a dog like girn, "Nope, this was a lot of help! Thank you."

Marline nodded before she put her hand on his cheek, then she moved her hand down and grabbed the notebook, "Now that you have all the information...what do you want it for?" she looked over all the information she had said, which was now written down in the muggle notebook.

Sirius grinned as he snatched the notebook away, "It isn't for me...its for James." He gave her a wink, "I'll talk to you later...thanks for the information." then he made his way back to his own dorm. He had the information he needed and now he could go back and show James.

Marline stood there a smirk on her face, "Well, well...Potter is giving up on Evans..." Her smirk turned into a smile as she sighed, " is about time..."

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