The Days Gone By

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June 1944 - Aubrey Hall, Kent

Benedict was like a different person.

Anthony had finally come back to take over the books, lifting a weight off his shoulders. Anthony was actually really pleased with what Benedict had done with the records and he'd managed to bring in some extra money after Sophie had suggested combining and utilising a few fields which meant they could expand their crops and storage.

He was impressed and the two of them had started working on projects for the land and ideas of things that could be done to improve things at Aubrey.

Benedict had started painting again, his muse had come back to him after his first date with Sophie.

When they'd gotten back to the house, he'd kissed her good night before she'd made her way to her room and he'd been inspired. The image of Sophie smiling at him, her head turned backwards as she walked up the stairs, had been the first picture he'd sketched properly in months and it was the first picture he'd loved, he hadn't hated it and had not been able to find a fault in it.

Since then he'd been painting and sketching every day and he'd even spent a day teaching his siblings, which Eloise and Francesca even dropped in for.

Sophie had sat on the side with a glass of lemonade and a book and watched and she'd never found him sexier than watching him teach his younger siblings how to paint and the thoughts of watching him with their children.

4 perfect little children hanging off his every word and action as they sat in their own garden, a few fruit trees, a lake... a dog...

It was a perfect future and she saw it all there in that moment.

Once Benedict had finished with the four younger Bridgerton's and they had made their way to the house, Sophie ran over to him and kissed him and as she pulled away, she said the words that had been bursting to come out for the last 4 weeks. "I love you"

Benedict just grinned at her, a loopy happy smile on his face "Oh thank the Lord"

Sophie blinked a little shocked and a little hurt that he didn't say it back and she took a step backwards but Benedict grabbed her and just dipped her in a romantic kiss leaving her breathless before he grinned "I love you too. I've just been waiting for the right moment to tell you"

Sophie sighed a sigh of relief as she grinned at him and kissed him again "Oh thank the Lord" she replied which made Benedict laugh.

"I love you so much, I've loved you since the moment I met you and I will love you until after I've taken my last breath... you are everything that i've ever wanted in my life and everything I will ever want..." he replied to her.

Sophie just smiled, if she wasn't already in his arms she would have swooned.

July 1944 - Aubrey Hall, Kent

Kate and Anthony's wedding was a beautiful day, the sun was shining all day and everything went beautifully.

Kate's dress had been made from Mary's and her mother's rather than using her rations to buy a dress, Sophie had helped her put it together along with Mary and Violet. The four women worked on it and got it perfect. Anthony's suit was an older one, but he wore one of his father's old shirts and tie.

Sophie had acted as Matron of Honour, Edwina was her bridesmaid and Benedict was Best Man along with Simon.

Anthony was so caught up in the happiness of the day that he failed to notice that Simon danced every dance with Daphne.

Benedict noticed and just chuckled as he twirled around the floor with Sophie, "you know one day I'm going to marry you right..." he said to her casually.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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