2|Blue eyes

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"Wake her up!" I hear a voice say

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"Wake her up!" I hear a voice say.

My eyes immediately open, taking in my surroundings. The car was now parked and the men stood outside my door in a circle. "Capo's going to kill you idiots for laying a finger on her."someone whisper-shouts.

A gasp leaves my mouth as my attention goes to the huge mansion that sat infront of the car.
"Oh good you're awake. C'mon" a guard i've never seen before says, helping me out of the car.

I'm out of breath by the time we reach the massive marble front door.

A short, middle aged woman open's door, a bright smile plays on her lips as she greets us. "You must be the Capo's wife. I'm Mary, the housekeeper." Wife?

"Oh i'm not the Capo's wife." I say sending her a confused look.

"Yes, you are dear. Alessandra right?" She asks, leading us into the foyer.

It was beautiful, a modern chandelier hung above us brightening up the room.

I nod, still confused but decide to play along with it.

I follow her up the grand staircase and into a hallway before stopping infront of a white door. "This is your room, you need all the rest you can get. It's going to be hard planning a wedding on such short notice. You'll meet Capo at breakfast 8am sharp. Don't be late." Wishing her goodnight, I enter my room.

The room was huge, a grand bed with sleek bedside tables sat in the middle of the room. A desk sat in the corner of the room and a reading nook at the huge window overlooking the magnificent backyard.

There was two other doors in the room, one leading to a massive bathroom and the other a walk in closet.

A tired sigh leaves my lips as I sit on the edge of the bed, finally accepting everything that happened today.

My father sold me.

Oh my fucking god! My father sold me.

I wipe away my tears, laying down on the comfortable mattress.

What am i suppose to do now?

I was kidnapped by scary looking men then brought to a mansion. And then was called someone's wife?!

Can my life get more crazier?

I groan covering my eyes with the blanket, rolling over to the other side of the bed.

Oh shit. I have to make dad's breakfast.

I immediately get out of bed, tripping over the sheets and landing on the floor with a thud.

I remember everything that happend yesterday and a smile makes its way to my face.

I don't have to live with my abusive father anymore!

A knock on the door brings me out of my daze. "Ma'am are you almost dressed? Breakfast is about to be served?"

My eyes go to the clock.


"I'll be down in a few." I shout back.

Holding the bed for support, I get up rubbing my sore bum.

I make my away to the bathroom, tying my hair into a messy bun.

I quickly brush my teeth before stripping out of my clothes.

The warm water droplets hits my skin as I clean my body with the body wash I found in the cabinet. I get out, drying myself clean before heading towards the closet.

The realization then hits. I have no clothes.

I enter the closet hoping theres atleast a shirt I can wear, only to have the surprise of a lifetime.

The entire closet was filled with all sorts of clothing, all in my size.

When did this happen?

I quickly pull on a pair of jeans with a crop top before brushing out my hair. I make sure my bruises are covered before rushing out the door.

I retrace steps from yesterday, making my away into the foyer.

The smell of pancakes and bacon engulf my senses as I follow it, entering the dining room.

The room is adorned with a polished wooden table surrounded by plush chairs. Huge paintings line the wall along with a massive chandelier hanging from the high ceiling.

"Please have a seat." Someone dressed in a maid outfit says, guiding me to sit.

I almost have a heart attack seeing a pair of blue eyes staring intently at me with nothing but coldness. "Were you informed that breakfast starts at 8?" The owner of the gorgeous eyes speak.

My cheeks redden in embarrassment. "Y-Yes, but I overslept. I promise it won't happen again." I stumble over my words, nervously playing with my fingers.

"Good." His eyes remain staring at me, not once wavering.

"I would like to speak with you in my office after breakfast."

I nod, looking away when his eye contact became to much.

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