soft like sunlight, sweet and scorching

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The longer he got to experience his newfound freedom (if one ignored the possibility of having to endure horrendous pain and suffering before turning into a mindflayer), the fiercer Astarion yearned for more. More of everything. Experiences. Power. Decisions.

The warm caress of early sunlight before its bringer rose high and turned scorching and unpleasant against pale skin, unused to the exposure. Astarion ignored the protests of his own flesh as he bathed in the sun while leafing through a book, paying no heed to the skin that could not persist and turned from pale to pink.

One of the upsides of being a vampire spawn was that a night's rest, coupled with whatever the nearby woodlands had on the menu for him, was usually enough to get his skin to return to its usual pallor.

About to turn the page of the book he was reading, Astarion paused when he heard the soft rustle of grass against boots. Looking up, he saw Tav approaching him. A few freckles that stood out against his tanned skin softened his otherwise sharp facial features. Together with Tav's usual soft smile, it made him seem easily approachable.

Only a light scar across the bridge of Tav's nose hinted at the fact that he might not be as easygoing as he appeared.

"What can I do for you, darling?" He was only mildly curious as to what his travelling companion wanted from him, while the rest of their merry band still sat farther away for a quick lunch break.

Tav raised a finger to signal that he needed a moment before fumbling for something in his pockets. Astarion raised a brow proportional to his increasing curiosity. A triumphant ah escaped Tav's lips as he appeared to have found whatever it was he was looking for. Pulling out a small jar of some sort, Tav sat down beside Astarion and offered it to him.

Placing a bookmark to continue reading later, Astarion shut the book and placed it on the ground but made no move to take the jar with whatever was contained inside, instead waiting for an explanation.

Giving him a slightly embarrassed smile, Tav manipulated the weave to convey his message.

it'll help with your sunburn

Astarion eyed the small container and Tav in turn, unsure if he should accept the favour or decline in case the sorcerer wanted something in return that he wasn't willing to give.

"It's nothing a night's rest can't fix. Come morning, my skin will be perfectly flawless once again."

the tip of your nose is red

Astarion's hand moved to touch his nose before he could stop himself. His nose did in fact sting a bit.

it looks a bit silly

"Silly? What do you mean silly?!" Incredulous, Astarion glared at the words hovering in the air as if mocking him, before turning his eyes and anger onto the party responsible for them. His miffed stare was met with eyes that twinkled mischievously.

apologies, i meant to say that it distracts from your beautiful face

"Now, that is much better, darling," Astarion agreed, feeling appeased. He took the still offered jar, opened it and took a quick sniff of the contents. It smelled faintly of herbs, neither too strong nor unpleasant. It couldn't compare to the compelling scent of blood, but Astarion also wasn't opposed to the smell.

Noticing new words weaving themselves together in the air, Astarion shifted his attention from the contents of the jar.

if you're worried about poison you can apply it on me first

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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sweet yet scorching - Baldur's Gate 3 (Astarion/male!Tav)Where stories live. Discover now