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lilly snape

she gathers her things getting ready as quick as she could not only was it her first day back in hogwarts but her alarm didn't go off so she now was running late but not a class the first day was the day that all the first years got sorted and everyone was already in the hall

she put her shoes on then hears a knocking on her and she gets up opening it

"lills seriously late on the first" the brown haired girl laughed at her crossing her arms

"i know, i know my alarm decided not to go off" lilly graved her wand leaving her dorm closing the door behind her

"more like you forgot to set the alarm" the two girls giggled walking with each other to the hall

"well you are late aswell bels" lilly shrugs

"yeah but it was bound to happen" bella intwines her arm with lilly's and when they eventually make it to the hall they walk in and everyone turns there head

"well this isn't embarrassing at all" lilly's whispers to the girl next to her and they both make their way to the table sitting down with their group of friends even though tom looked totally unsociable with the daily prophet in his hands

"you actually made it" lucius chuckles as cissa nudged him "what of course out of all of us they are the ones that come in half an hour late" he chuckles some more putting his arm around narcissas waist

"that's vile i'm eating" bella said putting food on her plate

lucius kissed cissas cheek to spite bella and laughs when she puts her middle up at him in response

"god it's out last year and you two still act like children" tom said looking at them

"he speaks, finally" lilly looked at him raising his eyebrows, her and tom had this weird tension around them because what everyone though they knew was that they hated each other but last year took a turn and they started sleeping with each other before tom stopped and he just never spoke to her about it she still hasn't got an answer, but due to what she just said it causes tom to give her a glare before looking back at the paper
that's in his hands

"no she's right mate you are so quite for no reason, normally you have atleast a little bit of life to you" nate says grabbing the paper from toms hands

tom went to say something before a blonde haired girl sits down next to lilly and smiles at everyone and everyone just looked at her

"what?" ivy said looking at everyone

"why are you late, you're never late" lilly chuckles looking at her still

"i have my reasons" she shrugs smiling

"mhmmm" lilly says before whispering "tell me later?" ivy looks at her nodding with a very wide smile on her face

the boy that sat next to tom didn't speak a word not only because he had nothing to say but because he was to busy scoffing down food

"it's not going to run away from you nott calm it" tom said looking at him

"i'm bloody starving leave me be" the boy said covering his mouth his hand chuckling a little

tom lets out a little chuckle before looking back down at his paper

"the sorting will commence soon, however we have a student rejoining us here everyone make him feel welcome and at peace as everyone in this school is" dumbledore says standing at the alter of the stage at the top of the great hall

"he's coming back today i thought he was coming next week" lucius looked at the group he was sitting with

"i guess you thought wrong" lilly shrugs

the door of the great hall opens and everyone turns their heads as they see the tall brunette walk thru the hall and then a little 3rd year runs up to him hugging him

"well he's changed-" ivy says looking at him

"he has indeed" bella was almost mesmerised looking at the boy

lilly turns to look at bella "you've got a little something" she pretend to wipe drool of her chin

"oh shut it" bella chuckles

"do you think he'll remember us?" nate said looking at the rest of them

"probably not" cissa said shrugging

after the 3rd year that the boy was talking to sat down still smiling at him he walked over to where the group was sitting

"hello everyone" he smiles and he takes a double take on bella raising his eyebrows before clearing his throat

"suprised you even figured out it was us, anthony" seb chuckled looking at him

"of course i did, you all look the same as you all sit in the same very spot you have sat since first year" anthony laughed sitting down next to seb which was opposite bella "except you bella you look gorgeous, given you have always been gorgeous so it's biased"

bella smiled "why thank you anthony"

cissa makes a fake sick face and chuckles and looks as the first years begin to get sorted

lilly sat there watching the first years
however she would feel a set of eyes burning into her soul every now and again and she knew exactly who it was..it was tom.


- this was just basically introducing everyone i hope you like everyone so far however there will be more characters these are the main ones right now

comment on what you likeee

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