Chapter 3: I heard her

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Blair's POV

I came home first, before anyone else. I wanted to get home early to set up things for dinner. I had asked Luke if he and his family wanted to come over for dinner, and he said he would like to.

It's odd how the relationship between Luke and I changed so drastically. I've always looked up to him and he always meant a lot to me, but it's different after Willow. He's different. A good different.

I knew I could truly count on him, I knew he'd have my back no matter what. It felt great to have that support.

And Tina was just equally great. So whenever I could, I invited them over to spend time with them. Because they meant a lot to me. And I wanted to enjoy as much time with them as possible.

I had gone over to the store and bought food for tonight. I enjoyed making food. Leslie always told me what a great cook I am, and it only boosted my confidence.

I unloaded all the food and started taking the necessary utensils. I started cutting the vegetables and stopped. 

You know what you can do with that, Blair.

I gulped as I heard that familiar voice in my head. I kept my eyes shut forcefully, hoping that the voice would leave, hoping I could shut it out.

We've spent so many moments together with a knife.

It's not real, I kept telling myself. I shook my head, my eyes forced shut. This isn't really, it isn't real.

Come on, I know you love it.

I let go of the knife and balled my fists. I kept shaking my head, trying to shut out the voice, trying to forget about it, trying to move on.

I was startled by a hand on my shoulder.

"Mom," Mia looked worried. "Is everything alright?"

I gulped and looked around, as if I'd suddenly see the voice come to life. I realized it was stupid and looked at Mia. "Yeah," I showed her a small smile, trying to comfort her. "I'm all good," I motioned to the vegetables I was cutting. "I was thinking about a good dish."

She looked at the food. "Did you find a recipe?"

"Yeah," I nodded and took the knife gently. I started cutting the vegetables again. "I'm all good."

Mia nodded but I could tell she was wondering about what just happened. "I'm going to do my homework."


I heard her go upstairs and her bedroom door close.

I don't know why, but I let out a breath of relief.

Missed me?

I dropped the knife and looked around. I started breathing heavier as I was looking around. She wouldn't just reappear, would she? She left, she told Luke she left.

I slowly walked around the kitchen, the living room, and the hallway. Nothing. There was nothing.

Ok, Blair, just take a deep breath and relax, I told myself. I nodded and went back to the kitchen. I released a breath before going back to the vegetables.


"Hey," Leslie kissed my cheek as she entered the kitchen. She took a glass and poured some wine for herself. "How was your day?" She asked and looked at me.

"It was alright."

Leslie knew me well and could tell something wasn't alright. She looked at what I was doing, then at the dishes. I bet she saw the knife. "A problem with the knife?" Yep, she definitely saw the knife.

I looked down, at the pots before shrugging. "Sorta."

"Sorta?" She put her glass down and walked to me. "Babe," She took my hands, making me look at her. "What happened?"

I licked my lips and looked around a bit, as if something would appear. "I heard her." I then looked at her and saw her facial expression change. She immediately knew who I was referring to.

"Was she here?" I could also detect that slight hint of fear in her voice.

I shook my head, making her release a breath. "I heard her in my head," I shook my head before going back to the cooking pots. "I'm crazier than I thought."

"What you went through," She sighed. "You can't underestimate it."

I looked at her. "Yeah..."

"It takes time to heal from trauma," She reached for my face, caressing it. "Allow yourself that time."

I smiled and nodded.

The doorbell rang.

"Those will be our guests." She said, kissed me again, and went to the front door. I heard how she welcomed them all into our home and had them get comfortable. I admired her strong personality. She was everything I wanted to be, but couldn't be. She had no worries talking to people, she just spoke her mind. She was almost like... Like Willow.

But she was sweet and caring, and Willow wasn't. Well, she could be sweet and caring too...

I shook my head as I forgot about that thought.

"Hey sis," Luke smiled at me as he entered the kitchen. "How are you?" That was always the first question he asked me since Willow.

I smiled at him. "I'm ok," I nodded, convincing myself. "How are you?"

He stepped closer to me. "Leslie gave me the look." The look. It's something Luke and Leslie made up together. If one of them was concerned about me, they'd give the look to the other one so they'd both know.


He crossed his arms. "Should I be worried?"

I shrugged.

"Blair?" He stepped closer to me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "What's going on?"

I licked my lips. I shook my head. "It's nothing, Luke."


I looked at him. "I heard her."

He too immediately understood what I was saying. "She was here?"

"No," I said, which caused him to release a sigh. "But I heard her in my head."

He looked at me, all his attention was really on me. "What did she say?"

I shook my head. "I'd rather forget about it."

He nodded. "Call me, any time."

I nodded. "Dinner's ready."

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