Section 3: Terminology

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This may be the most confusing part of the warriors series, words like fox-lengths, mouse-dung, and fox-heart. But in this edition we are going to go through all of them.

Mouse-dung or Fox-dung: this is a particular curse that these cats use most of the time it's when they miss a piece of prey or something doesn't go right for them

Fox-heart: referring to a cat with the heart of a fox, mean, merciless, or unforgiving.

Mouse-heart: referring to a cat that is too scared to do something, or just a coward in general. 

Tail-lengths and fox-lengths: phrases used to measure stuff, like saying 'the length of a fox', or 'the length of a tail'.

Mouse-brain: a smaller less offensive curse than fox-dung, usually referring to another cat.

Horseplace: stables where horses are kept, few cats live there and hunt mice

Carrionplace: a garbage dump where shadowclan cats hunt rats sometimes 

The cutter: a special type of twoleg that cats despise, aka a vet.

Twoleg: a human

Greenleaf: summer

Newleaf: spring

Leaffall: autumn

Leafbare: winter

Greencough: a severe chest infection, which can be fatal in elders and young kits

Whitecough: the less severe version of greencough, can usually be cured easily

Halfbridge: A fishing dock for humans

Twoleg nest: a humans house

Monster: a car or truck

Thunderpath: a road where monsters go by on, usually a highway

Sun-drown-place: the sea to the west, where the sun sets

Silverpelt: the stars in the sky at nightfall 

Fish-eaters: an insult usually pointed at riverclan cats by the other clans

Crow-food: rotten or maggot-filled pieces of prey

Sharing tongues: grooming eachother, a sign of affection

Freshkill: newly caught prey

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