murderer- thomas

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name: thomas andrew rogers

race: white

nationality: german

social class: middle class

age: 24


birthdate: 7th september 1977

work: security/night guard



thomas is a tall, well built man with wide shoulders. his hair is ear lenght and dirty blonde with a side part, his jawline is strong and his eyes are green and rather big. he has a mole on on the right side under his lips, his face is naturlly kind looking so its misrepresentation of him actually. (an attractive man)

he has a healed, deep stabwound on his hip.

he usually wears something simple like a hoodie and jeans or a simple t-shirt and when at work he has his security guard uniform.

height: 6'4


thomas is very mentally ill, he has antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy) (undiagnosed) and d.i.d (diagnosed)

he has very hard time putting himself in the shoes of another being and shamelessly does as he feels the best and usually laughs as the sight of someone feeling unwell. he finds ulimate pleasure in seeing people get hurt (to the point of getting aroused)



thomas enjoys the color green a lot, he wears a green hoodie often

thomas likes pop music, his time line is in the late 90s so just see from that what pop he likes.

he hates music that makes no sense at all, like rap where they just speak words that rhyme but dont make sense.

if a person could healthily live off of red bull and oranges thomas would be a happy man, yes his favorite foods are red bull and oranges.

he has a car, black kia optima.

he is a calm man, but does a lot of risky things, even when alone.

his habits are baby talking to something cute, like his kitty.

he doesnt smoke but sometimes has a pint of beer.



his childhood home locates in germany, in a town named Füssen.

his childhood was very bothered, his mother was physically and mentally abusive and often locked little thomas in places like the bathroom. sexual assault was someting thomas had to go trough in his teens by his mother after stupidly coming out to her. thomas's father, everett rogers, never really came between his wife and little thomas, because he was scared of her too.

the moments that ruined him was getting stabbed at four years old on the hip by his mother and the assaulted at 16 by his mother.

thomas was very smart, especially in maths during school, and his orginal dream was to become a police officer but instead studied himself to become a security guard, which put his well built body in good use.



his mother is unnamed and he doesnt have any kind of relationsship with her because he absolutely fucking hates her and she is dead.

his father is averett rogers, a calm man with brown hair and a mustache. he doesnt speak much english. his job is being a janitor. thomas hasnt talked to him since he left and isnt planning on doing so.



thomas is a clam nice person when you first meet him, his soft smile and big ol' eyes charming even, his voice soft and nice to listen to, but when you see him in the real light, there is nothing but a cold blooded serial killer with a thirst for blood that could only be compared to a vampire, when killing this man goes mad and he easily gets upset, like very fucking easily. (acts innocent too)

very, VERY manipulative.

his greatest strenght is his body, intelligence and charm and weakness is his bad mental health.

his soft spot is his cat and his cat only.

he is vulnerable if you get him to talk about his feelings in the middle of hurting you. (telling him you love him ect.)


he is a lonely man, he doesn have hobbies outside his usual work or too many people he talks to, he does come along with the police which is always a plus when being a killer.

his motivation for murder is pleasure for himself and getting rid of every woman that has features like his mother had (blonde hair, tall.)

his good charasterics: looks and smarts and body strength and speed.

bad charactericts: mf he is a murderer.

his biggest secrets are ofcouurse his murders, theyre very popular on news but the officers just dont seem to catch him.

favorite achievement is that he banged the detenctive who worked on his case without knowing thomas was the murderer.

fear: needles


he has lowkey a high sex drive

turn ons are when he causes pain towards the other person, non-con, when the person cries and murder. he also enjoys gentle sex from time to time





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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