chapter 9

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Tiwa's pov:

          Today is a public holiday, so I'm spending it in bed being lazy and texting my new found annoying online Friend


       I just found out she's 17, still in highschool but she refuses to tell me what school she attends, her name is kiki and she loves being mean, she has the pride flag on her bio, she's bisexual and she loves being nosy

I painted a portrait of you

                       You don't even know what I look like 

Wanna see?

                           No thank you, this is how those men trick you into agreeing to see their dick pics

You think if I wanted to send a dick pic, I wouldn't have just sent it? Do u wanna see the portrait or not?

                         Yeah, sure whatever 🙄 it better not be something silly or I'm not talking to you for the rest of the day

Oh please, you know you can't resist me, you're addicted already

                         I have to be crazy to be addicted to someone as annoying as you

Ouch! You just hurt me

                                                please die
Lol anyways I'm sending you a pic,I know you're dying to see the portrait already
      ......... Mom calling .......

       Ugggghhhh what does she wants now!!! I answered the call after the fourth ring, making sure not to put the phone close to my ears because I know she's gonna yell

        "Yes ma"

        "So you picked up the call and didn't bother to say anything?" Ain't you the one supposed to be talking since you called?


        "Yes ma" I know she's pissed off already

        "I don't have your time today, you're at home busy sleeping when you know there's no food in the house, a sensible child would call their mother to ask how she'll go about since there's no food, but you're there sleeping. This is how you're gonna sleep and starve your husband and children till your husband sends you out of the house? you behave like someone that doesn't have sense or home training, I just pity you. I know you haven't taken your bath this morning, go bath and dress up nicely, I want you to come pick up  the stuff you're gonna be using to prepare dinner. There's bread here, eat that before dinner gets ready and you better get here on time"

   ugghhh she's so annoying, you literally left your kid at home with zero food now you're scolding her for not calling  to ask you, what the family is gonna eat for dinner, like that ain't your job to sort out.

      "How am I gonna get to the market?" I grumbled

       "Just sit down there and wait, I'll come home and you'll sit on my head while I take you to the market, can't you walk?! Asking me how you'll get to the market like you don't know the way. when I was your age, I was walking from my parents house to the farm and from the farm to the market-

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