Somali-Maahmaahyo English

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Maahmaahyo Somali iyo ingiriis ah

1. Aabayeelid li'ida goorta iyo goobta. Regardless of time and space.

2. Aadane gef lagama waayo. To err is human.

3. Aammusnaan waa oggolaansho barkeed. Silence gives consent.

4. Af daboolan waa dahab. Speech is silver, silence is gold.

5. Afkeennu waysu ammaan. Between you and me.

6. Akhri sadarrada dhexdooda. To read between the lines.

7. Ammin dumay dib uma soo laabto. Lost time is never found again.

8. Aqooni waa awood. Knowledge is power.

9. Aqoonla'aani waa iftiinla'aan. Learning is the eye of the mind.

10. Aragtida qaanuunka. The eyes of the law.

11. Awr hal waa loo tu'in karaa, ninse naag looma tu'in karo. Love cannot be compelled.

12. Ballandarro waa diindarro. A promise is a promise.

13. Baruur keliya baa baruuro qurmisa. One scabbed sheep infects the whole flock.

14. Baryaaye waa aadane, bixiyana Eebbe weeye. / Dadku waa dalbade, deeqfidiyahana Daa'inka weeye. / Talo maaha aadmigu Tuu uur jecleystee, Hadba waa Ilaahay Arrintuu hirgeliyaa. Man proposes but God disposes.

15. Beeni raad ma leh. Lies have short legs.

16. Beentaada hore runtaada dambe bay u daran tahay. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.

17. Bidaari sibiq bay kugu gashaa. Baldness comes up on you stealthily.

18. Budee inta birtu kulushahay. Strike while the iron is hot.

19. Caano uma kabbado. Make no scruple about smth

. 20. Cagta cagta u saar. Breathe down smb.'s neck.

21. Cagweynta ayaa gabyi. Money talks.

22. Calool dheregsani calool baahan kama naxdo. A man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry. / He that is warm thinks all so.

23. Cayaar carruureed. Child's play.

24. Cir kaa dheer, dhul kaa dheer. Between the devil and the deep blue sea.

25. Cunto-u-noole uun ha ahaannin, cunnadase ku noolaasho u quudo. Live not to eat, but eat to live.

26. Dabaggaalle timir gaariwaayay 'qadhaadhaa!' buu yiraahdaa. Sour grapes.

27. Daljirka Daahsoon. The Unknown Soldier.

28. Dantaa lagu ogaadaa naflaha, kii dir kuu xiga'e. / Baahida, dadka waad ku barataa. A Friend in need is a friend indeed.

29. Degdegsiinyo door ma dhaliso. More haste, less speed.

30. Diid ama ha diidin. Willy-nilly.

31. Dil waqtiga. Kill time.

32. Dux iyo dareen la'aan. A dry stick.

33. Dhagax qudha ku dil labo shimbirood. Kill two birds with one stone.

34. Dhammaan wixii dhalaala dheemman maaha. All is not gold that glitters.

35. Dhexdhexaadiye. Go-between

36. Dhex iyo dhexaad. Betwixt and between.

37. Dhibbaan eebo waa laga bogsadaa, dhaawaca carrabka aadanase lagama bogsado. One heals from a spear wound, but not from a wound from the human tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2009 ⏰

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