1. Bree

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There is nothing more relaxing than soaking in a tub full of boiling hot water filled to the brim with bubbles, with a glass of wine and a good book. Well... except maybe an orgasm but I haven't had one of those in a very long time. Actually, that's not true. I have had an orgasm recently, but it was given to me by me. Sometimes you just need a real cock to get the ultimate relaxation. It's also hard to even give myself an orgasm when I've got a toddler son who stays up my ass. Like now.

"Mommy, can I take a bath with you?" I close my eyes and hold in my sigh. Rellick was asleep. He was tucked in his bed with his Cat Noir action figure and Miraculous on the TV. "Can I have some of your juice? Will you read to me?" My toddler begins to strip as he asks a million questions.

"It's not juice for you, Handsome. It's Mommy's juice." I put the cap back on the bottle and pushed it behind the toilet, so Rellick wont knock it over trying to climb in the tub with me.

Grabbing his training potty, Rellick scoots it over to the edge of the tub, using it as a step stool to climb in. "The water's hot, Mommy!" My three-year-old then proceeds to turn the cold water on.

Ten minutes was all I needed. I just wanted to read at least a chapter of my book and drink, maybe, half the bottle of wine. I deal with children all day. I can barely afford the small two-bedroom rent house that I live in, and working at the daycare gives Rellick free access to learning.

I wrote a book, too. I'm currently trying to get it published but that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Maybe I should just download it myself to Amazon Kindle. It's doing really well on Wattpad, at least. Hopefully, they decide to publish it.

Rellick turns off the water once I make a noise regarding the amount in the tub. He spins to face me, placing each of his small hands on my cheeks. "I love you, Mommy."

"I love you, too, Rellick." We sit in the tub for a few more minutes before I get tired of being splashed. "Time to get out, Big Boy." I stand and step out of the tub, wrapping my now soaking wet towel around myself. Thank God I had the wherewithal to move my book on the shower rack where the splashing water didn't reach. "Let's put your clothes back on so that we can get you back in bed." Reaching for his clothes off the floor, I notice that they are all soaking wet as well. "Alright. Let's go find you some new clothes."

After getting him dressed and ready for bed, again, I kiss his forehead and walk to my room closing both his bedroom and my bedroom doors. As quiet as I can, I take out my vibrating dildo from the secret top drawer of my dresser. Eight inches of blue rubber with a vibrating clit stimulator meant to give me the most pleasure I was going to get for a while. Starting by rubbing the head of the dildo against my nether lips, spreading the wetness, I slowly work the dildo up until its slipping against my clit, eliciting a gasp. Fuck, I need to be quiet. I cover my face with my pillow while I slip the dildo inside my slick channel, switching the vibrations on. One hand is steadily pushing the dildo in and out while the other is twisting my nipple, pinching and pulling until it hurts so good that I'm sitting on the edge.


I switch the vibrations off seconds before I come and listen. Little feet are walking towards my door. Are you fucking kidding me?! As fast and as quiet as I can, I shove the dildo back in the drawer and close it, grabbing a random night shirt off the floor by my bed and shoving my head through. "Mommy? Are you awake?"

I threw myself back onto the bed, my arm hitting me in the face. "Yeah, baby. I'm awake."

"Can I sleep with you?" Can I just have one night to myself? Of course not.

"Yeah, Handsome. Climb in." Rellick snuggles up against me as I lift the comforter.

I just want it known that I will never regret the one-night stand and the failure of my birth control that led to the birth of my son but there are times where I really just want one night to myself. ONE NIGHT!

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