Chapter 3

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The school year was finally over, which meant Percy was going to spend the summer with Clint and Piper. He arrived at their apartment and walked in to find Piper, his best friend, laying across the couch in their apartment, watching TV.

Piper was a mutant, like Percy. While he could control liquids, she could control people. She was extremely persuasive. Luckily, Percy was immune to any kind of mental manipulation, as he had spent a year studying the mind and unlocking full control over his mind and body.

The two had met in gymnastics, which they both loved. They quickly became inseparable. They hung out any time that Percy wasn't on missions and she knew about everything. She often stayed over at Shield, or wherever Percy was, for the summer when she wasn't at a boarding school.

"Hey, Pipes."

She looked up and grinned. "Hey, Perce. Ready for Montauk next week?"

"Born ready." Every summer, Clint would take Percy and Piper to Montauk Beach, where they rented a little cabin and stayed for a few weeks. It was always the best time of the year for Percy because it was a time when he could finally let his guard down and not have to worry about missions or anything.

Piper grinned and turned off the TV. "Clint said he'd be home late," she said. "Something about an emergency in the ER."

Percy shrugged. Clint had been called in for emergencies many times, and he was used to it by then. "Want to head to the studio?" he asked.

She stood, nodding, and made her way to her room. Percy threw his schoolbag on the ground by the couch and raced to his room, where he changed into his gymnastics clothes before slipping on a loose-fitting tank top and sweats and grabbed his gym bag.

Percy slung his bag over his shoulder and exited the room, to find Piper also carrying her bag. The studio wasn't far and it didn't take long to get there on the subway.

Once there, they split up, heading for their locker rooms. Percy ignored the other people in the men's locker room as he slipped off his sweats and tank top, revealing his training top and leggings. He made his way out of the locker rooms and found Piper waiting for him. She was wearing a sports bra and leggings.

Piper started practicing her floor routine for the upcoming meet. She was doing her routine to Mozart. Percy began practicing on equipment. After a bit, they switched. Percy, practiced his routine to Bocherini, though he wouldn't be allowed to play it during the meet.

"You're getting better," Percy commented, taking a long drink of water from his water bottle while they chilled in their apartment after they finished.

Piper grinned tiredly. "Same to you, Blue. Pass the water, would ya?"

Percy grinned back and tossed her his water bottle before bringing up a subject that he had been thinking about a lot recently. "Hey, Pipes?"

She looked over at him. "Yeah?"

"I've been thinking about maybe trying out some kind of hero work."

"You mean, like Spider-Man?"

Percy nodded. "Like, I know I already do a lot of work for Shield, but I want to do more than that. I'm trained and capable."

Piper tilted her head. "You'll need a team."

Percy smirked at her. "You offering, Princess?"

Piper raised her eyebrows. "You don't seriously expect me to not help, do you?"

Percy hummed. "You thinking of being a support member?"

"I can fight nearly as well as you , and you know it," she said, glaring at Percy.

"I know, but I'll need someone on comms and such, and you do such a great job of it..."

Piper was the one who usually stayed on comms and surveillance when Percy went on missions, making sure everything ran smoothly. She knew how to fight as well as any Shield agent, but she hadn't gotten any field experience.

Piper huffed. "Fine," she said. "Until we find someone better for support, I'll take it."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "You think we'll be getting more members?"

"We'll need to."

Percy frowned, but admitted to himself that she was right. Spider-Man had started out with just himself, but even he needed more support than that. "We'll need suits, I suppose. You think Peter would make them?"

Piper shrugged. "If not, I'm sure Cisco wouldn't mind."

Percy nodded. Cisco loved making new suits, but he was hoping for someone more local. "We'll ask Parker first." He pulled out his phone and dialed Parker's number.

"Hey, Super Secret Agent," Peter said when he picked up. "Why're you calling? Is this about me hacking Shield?"

"No," Percy said, rolling his eyes. "Though, we will be talking about that later. I need a favor."

"Ooh, is it another assignment from Fury? Because, I would totally say yes. I am so bored right now, and Wade is out of town on his own assignment."

"No, Agent Parker. Director Fury is not to know about this."

"Going rogue?"

"Not quite," Percy said. "You available to meet?"

"I can be. Usual spot?"

"Twenty minutes."

"You got it."

Percy hung up and stood. "Get ready, Pipes."

Piper grinned and ran to get ready, Percy doing the same. Soon, they were both ready and waiting at the cafe for Peter.

"He's late," Piper said impatiently.

"Relax, Pipes. He'll be here."

"Sorry I'm late!" Parker said when he slid into the seat across from them a minute later. "What were you wanting to meet for?"

"How many people know about your nightlife?" Percy asked. "Outside of Shield, I mean."

Peter shrugged. "Ned and MJ."

Percy nodded thoughtfully. "You have your own lab at Stark's right?"

"Yeah. I've also got one at Shield. Mr. Stark has better tech though."

"Great. We want to join the business, but we need suits."

The teenager's eyes widened. "You're twelve!"

"Your point?" Piper asked with a raised brow.

Peter sighed. "Fine. I'll start on something, but I want you patrolling with me the first few months, just until you get the hang of everything."

Percy grinned lopsidedly at him and said, "Thanks, Parker."

"Yeah, yeah. When are you starting?"

The two children exchanged glances. "We'll wait until after summer," Piper said finally. "Is that enough time?"

Peter nodded. "I'll work on your gadgets first and start on the suits once you're ready to start."

"Pipes will be mostly on support, but I want her to have a suit just in case. So, her suit can be low-priority for now."

Peter hit his head on the table. "You owe me one for this," he said. "If Mr. Stark found out, I'd be fired."

Percy just grinned again and nodded. "One IOU to you, Agent Parker."

Peter sighed. "Alright, tell me what kind of gadgets you're thinking of."

"Something for transportation," Percy said. "Piper could use some gadgets similar to Canary's, along with something that would project her voice. I'll need water holders of some kind . We'll need comms as well, and I'll get back to you on anything more."

Peter jotted it all down on his phone and nodded. "Got it." He checked the time. "Well, I've got to go if I'm going to make it to my internship on time. Bye!"

As he ran out, Percy looked over at Piper and chuckled. "Come on, Pipes, let's go."

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