Part: 5

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"Min....hyun...." the boy whispers.
"Who is Minhyun?!" Kris chide as the boy lose consciousness in his arms.

"Ahjumma! Ahjussi!" Krystal calls aloud and they all went out including Jessica and Henney.


"Why isn't he waking up love?" Krystal peers beside Kris as he watched the boy lying down on the bed in their guest room.

Kris pulled Krystal and made her sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rest his chin on her shoulder.

"I don't know, doctor Choi said he's beaten up pretty badly though" Kris mumble.

"Poor boy, what do you think happened to him?"

Kris smile at her "I hope my guess were wrong but let's wait until he wakes up"

"What are we going to do? Sica's wedding is the day after tomorrow" Krystal pouted.

"We can tell our relatives that we just accept him into our family or simply saying he worked for us?" Kris suggested.

Krystal hummed "That's sound good, he can help served the guests to avoid their suspicion" she adds.

"Okay, you should rest. We'll talk to him again after he wakes up, I'll be in my study room if you want anything" Kris let go of Krystal and she leaves the room.


"Sir, the boy is awake" ahjussi informed Kris.

"Is it? Let's go and see him then" he utters and left the room with ahjussi.

"How about Krystal?"

"She's asleep sir"


"What's your name?"

"Minhyun" he utters, looking down his bruised hands.

"Can you tell me what happened to you? Why are you full with wounds and bruises?" Kris shift closer to him but he didn't give any response.

"How come you ended up in my residence? Are you running away from someone?" Kris questioned again.

Minhyun stare at him and then back to his hands "I was beaten up by my abusive father because I couldn't get him enough money to pay his gambling debt, today... I decided to run away from him after I found out that he sold me to his partner who is attracted to the same gender but before I can flee I was beaten up again by some people that I believe to be the person my father indebted to and I ran away after that and ended up here without knowing"

Kris has become speechless listening to his story. And here I thought.. What I've been through is the worst of all ..

"How about your mother? Do you have any siblings?"

"My mother died years ago and my older sister was adopted by those rich family before my mother pass away, leaving me behind with my father"

Kris just nodded in acknowledgment after hearing his heart-breaking story, his heart just clenched painfully knowing how he knew that Minhyun might thought of ending his life after all that happened. I will take care of him, he deserves better than all those things.

Minhyun suddenly clasped Kris's hands "I'm sorry that I trespassed to your residence sir! Please don't send me back to my father, I will do anything you said! I'll devote my life to you! Please!!" He frantically utter, tears already streaming down his cheeks.

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