Chapter 6: The Ghost of Prom Night

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The three friends, Sarah, Lisa, and Emily, decided to begin their investigation by revisiting the night of the prom—the night Jennifer had disappeared without a trace. They hoped that retracing their steps and talking to anyone who might have information could shed some light on the mystery.

Their first stop was the high school, now eerily quiet after hours. The gymnasium, where the prom had been held, felt like a time capsule from their teenage years. Memories of laughter, dancing, and youthful innocence filled the air as they walked through the dimly lit space.

As they explored the scene of that fateful night, Lisa pointed to the corner where Jennifer had last been seen. "That's where we lost track of her," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Sarah's heart ached as she imagined the confusion and panic they had all felt that night. "Do you remember anything unusual happening?" she asked, turning to Emily.

Emily frowned, her brows knitted in concentration. "I do recall something strange," she admitted. "When we were searching for Jennifer, I thought I heard a faint, eerie laughter echoing in the hallway. It gave me the creeps, but I didn't think much of it at the time."

Sarah's curiosity deepened. Eerie laughter on the night of Jennifer's disappearance? It was an unsettling detail that added to the growing sense of mystery surrounding the case.

Their next step was to interview their former classmates who had attended the prom. They reached out to those who had remained in the town over the years, hoping that someone might recall something, no matter how insignificant it seemed.

One by one, they met with their former classmates, and while most couldn't provide any new information, a few recounted vague memories of that night. A common thread emerged—many had heard strange laughter in the hallways but had dismissed it as part of the festive atmosphere.

Sarah, Lisa, and Emily decided to dig deeper into the source of this eerie laughter. They visited the school's old janitor, Mr. Higgins, who had worked there for decades. Mr. Higgins was a grizzled, no-nonsense man who had seen it all.

With a stern expression, he listened to their questions about the prom night and the strange laughter. After a long pause, he finally spoke in a hushed tone, "I remember that night. I was here late, cleaning up after the prom. I heard the laughter too, echoing through the empty hallways."

Their hearts raced as they leaned in, eager for more information.

"But," Mr. Higgins continued, "I never found the source. It was as if it were coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It sent shivers down my spine, I'll tell you that."

The friends exchanged worried glances. The eerie laughter had been real, and it seemed to be connected to Jennifer's disappearance. They couldn't help but wonder if it was a clue or a warning of some kind.

As they left the school that evening, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that they were getting closer to the truth, but they were also getting closer to something dark and sinister. The laughter that had haunted their memories of that night was no longer a distant echo—it was a chilling presence that seemed determined to keep its secrets hidden.

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