•Chapter 23•

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"Um...those are the shuri," Bru said, his irises struggling to constrict.

"Shuri?" Tanya asked.

"The younger magicians. They train in preparation for the wars...that never happen anymore. Well, you never know. Anyway, when they train, become experienced and are of age, they are now called diviners," Bru explained.

"And the shuri are very deadly. Even if they're not trying to be. We should go train somewhere else...before something weird happens." Chang said, muttering something about neon daises.

We vanished and appeared in a garden. It was the garden I saw the first time we came to Horei.
I recognized the diamond carved fountain and the pretty glowing flowers. I took a mental picture of the garden.

"Okay!" Bru said, stepping in front of us with hands behind him.

"The last training we had was a success. You've all learnt to initiate your powers. Although, I don't know if you can do that now of your own accord."

I saw Tanya and Trevor exchange glances.
I heard her mutter something about a gold fish and Trevor told her to shut up.

"You just have to keep trying everyday," Bru continued."
He nodded at Chang to continue.

"Today, you'll learn to use your accessories. You'll learn how to transform into your suits..."
It was Alex and I's turn to exchange glances.
"...create your staffs and teleport. The suits will helps to increase your strength and speed in combat."

"Cool," Lucy said.

"Let's begin."


In summary, the session was fun. I learnt to transform into a cool, light blue suit with white streaks of lightening all around it.

I could create my staff, a white glowing rod that could shoot out lightening when I struck the ground.

I could change back anytime I wanted do but I couldn't bring the suit back.
Bru said it had to be recharged after use.

That'll explain what happened in the gym at home.

The others had cool suits too. I have to admit, Trevor's was the coolest. His was red and it had moving glowing lines that were like lava flowing through his body.

Tanya's was pure white with a black 'x' in the middle.

Lucy's was all black with silver lines like a zigzag pattern across the torso region.
Maddie's was green. It had brown streaks like roots spreading out from a core in the middle of her chest and creeping throughout the suit like a thin web.

The staffs were equally cool.
For once I actually felt happy to be crazy.
I practiced shooting lightening bolts.

Somehow, being in Horei made it easier to use our powers. I guess it's because of the magic aura.

We made a scene in the garden. With Chang running around to reverse everyone's damages, regrowing burnt patches of grass and shearing off flowers that grew form impossible places.

I smiled to myself as we used our powers so easily. We weren't good enough yet but we got somewhere.

We all sat on the grass when we were exhausted. I sat cross-legged as Bru and Chang lectured us on the four Kingdoms and the history behind everything.

Learning about the winds, the four kingdoms, were fascinating. It made even want to be apart of everything now. It was fun to learn about their beliefs, special celebrations and hierarchy of leadership.

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