Roles & Eating order

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Top lion on the hierarchy is the first to eat.
(If you don't know the meaning, scroll down.)

(0/1) Dominant male:
(0/1) Submissive male:
(0/1) Hunt Chief:
(UNL/0) Huntress:
(0/1) Queen:
(UNL/0) Cubs:

We will only use the eating order if ones Pride has caught a small meal, but if they've caught a buffalo, or a giraffe, then everyone can eat at any given time.

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Dominant male is the leader, he is the first to eat and basically the King.

Submissive male is the same role but will never show dominance towards him. (This role is optional because sometimes a King will have a brother. If he does, we'll use it.)

Hunt Chief is the lead hunter, she leads all the hunts.

Huntress is a hunter; they do what Hunt Chief tells them to do during their hunts.

Queen is a lioness who stays behind while they hunt to care for all of the cubs or elderly.

Meaning of hierarchy for the people who don't know: a system or organization in which people or groups (in this case, lions) are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

Fun fact - the majority of the lionesses are huntresses! (And there will be only one Hunt Chief.)

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Before you move onto the forms for the roles, I will separate different types of size meals and if you need the eating order for it. The only purpose is for organization.

Big meal: Buffalo, Giraffe, Elephant (no eating order needed)

Medium meal: Hartebeest, Wildebeest, Zebra (no eating order needed)

Small meal:  Gazelle, Impala, Warthog (eating order needed)

And yes, the King can choose whether or not to use eating order on Small or Med prey.

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The role you want:

Reasoning why you want it:

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