The road to redemption

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"TAKE COVER!" Shouted Horvax.

Horvax easily deflected the vicious shots with his blue lightsaber back onto the droids. He and his troopers moved to both sides of the large corridor to take cover at the metal grooves. They were tightly packed together like sardines in a tin can, desperately trying not to poke out. The droids were quick to close the distance. Realising this, the clone troopers occasionally emerged in and out to provide covering fire to slow down the assault. He looked across the corridor to see his red alien padawan about to recklessly jump into action.

"Always so impulsive!" He thought.


Ki nodded and signalled his fellow troopers of the plan. The troopers provided covering fire and the Jedis to emerged out with two troopers behind them. The droids quickly focused their shots on the Jedi deeming them as the bigger threat, however, this was their mistake. The Jedi would be the distraction taking on the onslaught whilst the troopers moved behind them and would shoot down the droids using them as a moving shield. 

"Thud! Thud! .... Thud! Thud! Thud!" The droids were dropping off like flies, unable to counter their simple tactic.

"Fall back! Fall back!" Said the droids. The few droids left promptly ran to the door, but were instead met by Horvath and Ki.

"How did the-, " the commander droid said before it was quickly sliced down along with the rest. The Astro-mech R4 D6 wheeled towards them and started to unlock the door.

"Ki, I saw that you were about to jump recklessly into battle again. You should properly assess the situation before feeding into your impulses." Said Horvath.

"But master it was only twenty or so battle droids, I could easily defeat them. I have done it before many times in battle and training" said Ki.

"I know but when there are lives at stake you should take the path with the most assured path to victory. One of your greatest weakness is your impulsiveness. You must learn to control your emotions and hone in your instincts." said Horvath.

"Master I followed my instincts and they led me to battle." Said Ki.

"Well, your instincts need to be worked on and that is through experience my young padwan." Said Horvath. In response, Ki moaned slightly but quickly stifled it as the door burst open to a barrage of bright red blasts.

"Bleugh!" "Ahhh!" Two troopers immediately died from the onslaught.

The others went to the side to find cover but inside they found no shelter and to their dismay, made their final stand to shoot at the droidekas. The black-painted spherical droid with the daunting red stripe down the middle was in attack mode, transforming into a metal scorpion with their claws mercilessly shooting at the troopers. Any blast shot from the troopers that managed to reach the droidekas was easily subdued by their shields. The Jedis desperately blocked and deflected most of the blasts trying to protect their fellow troopers.

Horvath knew that they couldn't afford a tactical retreat as they would lose the opportunity to eradicate a new droid factory which was vital for the complete and utter defeat of the separatists. He charged forward and just as he entered the room, he saw a flash of purple at the corner of his eyes. Immediately he leaned back to dodge the strikes to the head.

"Whzzz!" The bright purple flash blinded his eyes as the two electro-staffs had collided. He felt blood quickly rushing in and his muscles pulsating at his torso, he realised that the force was alerting him of the oncoming danger.

"Buzz! Buzz! ... Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" He went in a defensive form blocking and deflecting a series of strikes.

"Master!" Ki shouted. He could hear him charging forward and immediately Horvath put his hand out signalling him to stop. Even though Horvath couldn't see his enemy he knew what it was, the Magna guards. Droids that were programmed with all known combat forms and were designed to counter experienced Jedi knights. He knew that this new enemy would be too much for Ki to handle.

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