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Prologue: 1774

Vanessa walked alone to the stables at night. She usually went during the day but with all the stress of the 2nd Quartering Act it was put aside to "welcome" the couple of British soliders that came. Father was greatly displeased. He argued with them for the longest time. Vanessa thought the Redcoats would throw him in jail, but they just laughed at him and told him to go Parliament. Vanessa shivered and pulled her shawl around her tighter. 

It was early June, the air should have been warm, but cold arms wrapped themselves around Vanessa and hung thick in front of her. The darkness crept up behind her and gave the uneasy feeling that someone was watching her. Vanessa looked around but no one was in sight. 

She entered the stables quicky, and light the lantern that hung on the closest wooden wall. The fair glow fanned out around Vanessa, but the darkness still lurked in the stables, hiding the horses. The sound of them moving around, shifting their weight on the hay on the ground. Vanessa moved to the last stable, where she found her chestnut mare, Penny. Vanessa calmed herself down by brushing and talking to Penny.

Suddenly, just as Vanessa was about to leave, Penny eyes filled with fright. She neighed loudly at Vanessa ans shuffled around. 

"Penny? Girl it's alright." Vanessa tried as hard as she could to calm the horse down, but nothing helped. "I'll get mother." Vanessa thought. "She'll know what to do." She grabbed her light and ran out of the stables, but the moment Vanessa was out the door, she ran into someone.

The man had short spiky blonde. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight and seemed rock solid. But the man's eyes were light icy blue. They held Vanessa telling her to stand still and stay where she was. She was in awe of his beauty. 

"Excuse me, miss." His voice filled the silent night. The accent sound old and ancient. "I didn't mean to frighten you. Are you alright?"

"Y-y-yes, sir." Vanessa studdered. The man looked 25, and she was only 16. She should be acting respectful; standing up straight, shaking his hand, thanking him, not quivering in fear in his arms, and acting like a silly school girl. Yet, for a strange reason, Vanessa couldn't stop looking at him.

The stranger held out his hand with a smile. "Let me introduce my name is Carter, and you are?"

Vanessa took Carter's hand. "Vanessa" she replied. Carter lifted her hand to kiss it. Vanessa smiled, and looked down blushing. 

Suddenly her hand exploded with pain. Vannessa looked and saw Carter smirking evily with her crushed hand in his. Vanessa started to scream but not for long. Carter covered her mouth. His face changed. 

Carter's eyes turned pitch black. His skin turned so pale, he looked grey. Veins were visable around his eyes. Sharp fang grew from his gums. Carter leaned forward sunk his teeth into Vanessa's neck. 

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