1 - bus ride

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Dakotas POV:

ugh. it's already Monday isn't it. no. I hit snooze and drift off back into my drowsy sleep.
rolling my eyes I decide I should just get up to get the day over it. I slip on some maroon skinny jeans topped with a Beatles shirt and throw on some black vans. i walk into the bathroom and begin my thirty minute makeup routine then begin to straighten my hair. in attempt I burn myself 2838469 times even though I do it everyday. going into the kitchen I grab a granola bar, my phone, my keys, and I'm out the door.

After waiting at the bus stop for what felt like forever, the bus finally arrived. entering, I looked around and there was only one two person seat available so I decided I would take it sitting close to the window. as the bus started roaring away I was secretly glad nobody sat next to me so it wouldn't be awkward and I hoped that no one in the next few stops would either. I kind of doubted that though because it was so crowded.
I gave up hearing all the chatter and plugged into my earbuds. I turned up the volume full blast to the stokes and turned to look out the window. I've been on the bus so many times that I knew what it looked like outside for me to know when it was my stop to get off at.

I focused on the weather. It began to drizzle slightly and looked very muggy. it felt like that was typical weather for Sheffield though.

I was deep into my thoughts when all of a sudden I felt I tap on my left shoulder. I turned to see a guy who looked like he was in his 20s now sitting next to me. I quickly took out my ear buds as he said, "I like the stokes too." he had a beautiful British accent and gleaming eyes. he was also nice to look at if you know what I'm trying to say... like you know those people that are just so attractive that you enjoy looking at them. yup, he was one of them. I got so distracted by his handsomeness that he looked at me funny because I kept staring at him. "oh yea it's a great band." we both giggled a little before I got a little confused. "wait, how did you know what I was listening to?" I questioned. "oh, it's just that your music is loud so I can hear it... but don't worry because I like it loud too." he said smiling a bit. I blushed a little because he sounded cute and tried to not make me feel bad about my music being loud. I hope he didn't notice my pink cheeks though.

"sorry to not introduce myself" he looked a little embarrassed. "my name is Matthew helders but you can call me Matt." he said laughing a little at his cheekiness. "oh yea and my name is Dakota banks, nice to meet you." we both shook hands and i had this good feeling for him that I hope he had for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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