The First Day

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TW Mention of death, people being killed and also some strong language.

Author note: Any italics is thoughts to yourself.

Today was the day you began your senior year. Part of you was dreading it because you're facing your bullies, which wasn't what you wanted to do but the other part of you was thrilled that school was almost over and you could move on to college.

You lay in bed trying your hardest to avoid the necessity of getting out of bed. You hear a rapping on the door.

"Olivia, get up. We gotta go!" Sam called from outside your door.

"Alright, keep your hair on. Jeez." You huffily changed.

Of course, being the alt kid you were, you stuck with your trusty plain vest with a plaid shirt over the top and your usual skinny jeans and combat boots. Your wardrobe lacked in colour, but that was your vibe.

You brushed your hair and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Your mother was waiting for you in the kitchen.

"I made you pancakes." She smiled, passing you a plate of pancakes with syrup.

"Thanks." You smiled.

"When did you dye your hair?" Sam asked.

"Where did you appear from and none of your business." You snapped agitated by Sams questioning.

"You're my little sister it's my business." He retaliated.

"Look good to college and let me have my senior year without you pestering me." You spat.

"Liv, look, I know you don't want me cramping your style, but just be careful, okay?" He gave you a concerning look.

"Fine. But you're not my dad." You hissed.

"So you keep reminding me." Sam groaned.

"I need to go. I'm gonna miss the bus." You blurted.

"No. I'm driving you." Sam smirked.

"For goodness sake." You mumble as you climbed into his car.

You spot your neighbour, Nate Winters, the schools jock, rich boy, and snob. Even though he's obnoxious, he's still somehow hot. Sam notices you gawking at Nate.

"No way, Nate is a big no-no." He remarked.

"Cool your jets, I was just looking." You smirked.

"Well, don't. He's bad news." Sam snapped.

"Didn't we use to hang out with him all the time as kids?" You questioned.

"Yes, before dad died." Sam replied.

"Why did we stop?" You asked.

"I'll tell you another day." He smiled.

Finally, you arrive at school, Tara. Your best friend since you started at Oakham is waiting at the gates for you.

"T you've been here since when?" You smiled.

"I don't know. But we best get to homeroom before Mr Matteson loses his head." She laughed.

You and Tara headed into homeroom. There he was, Nate Winters. He was sitting at his desk with multiple girls around him. You walk past him, bumping into Tara.

"Ouch. Liv, be careful." She rubbed her chest.

"Sorry. I was distracted." You replied.

"Oh, I see by Mr Winters over there. You wouldn't be the first girl who's been interested in him." Tara's tone was jokey.

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