The Queen of Hearts

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Once upon a time, in a land where fairy tales and legends intertwined, the kingdom Shanghai in Land of China. In this enchanting realm, Princess Mulan ruled with wisdom and courage, her heart as fierce as her sword. Her kingdom was known far and wide for its beauty, harmony, and the bravery of its people.

One fateful day, however, the tranquility of the Land of China was shattered by the arrival of an unexpected visitor. It was none other than the Queen of Hearts, a tyrannical ruler from a distant land. Her voracious appetite for power and her infamous temper had led her to seek out the seven magical crowns of Disney, which were rumored to hold unimaginable power when gathered together.

The Queen of Hearts, her enormous castle transported by dark magic, descended upon the Land of China. Her intention was clear, destruction.

Mulan, with her unparalleled martial skills and indomitable spirit, was not one to back down from a challenge. She rallied her warriors and prepared her kingdom for the impending invasion. Her loyal army consisted of skilled archers, formidable swordsmen, and cunning strategists.

The Queen of Hearts, on the other hand, had brought her own unique army to the battlefield - the infamous Card Soldiers. These animated playing cards, brought to life by the Queen's dark magic, marched in unison, wielding sharp spears and shields. Their faces bore the same twisted grin as their ruthless ruler.

As the sun set on the eve of battle, the two forces met on the battlefield, the tension in the air palpable. Mulan, atop her trusty steed, gazed fearlessly at the Queen of Hearts, who was perched atop her towering castle, her ruby-red gown flowing in the wind.

With a bellowing command, the Queen of Hearts unleashed her Card Soldiers, and the battle began in earnest. Arrows flew through the air, clashing with the razor-sharp spears of the Card Soldiers. Mulan's warriors fought with honor and determination, their cries of defiance ringing across the battlefield.

The battle was intense, as both sides fought fiercely for their cause. Mulan displayed her remarkable martial prowess, leading her soldiers with unwavering resolve. However, the Queen of Hearts' dark magic was a formidable adversary, and her Card Soldiers seemed inexhaustible.

As the battle raged on, the Queen of Hearts, with a wicked grin on her face, made her way toward Mulan. A fierce duel ensued, with the two powerful women clashing swords in a display of skill and determination. The Queen of Hearts was a formidable opponent, but Mulan's determination and love for her kingdom fueled her every strike.

But the Queen of Hearts was not one to be underestimated. With a sly grin, she summoned dark arcane magic. The magic was in the form Harz, a deep dark magic known only to a few. The Queen of Hearts wielded the magic with ease. It empowered her and her Card Soldiers granting them elevated strength and power.

As if that was not enough, the Queen of Hearts revealed her secret weapon, one of the Crowns of Disney. Mulan watched in terror as she was aware of the crown's power. With that and the Harz magic there was no stopping the Queen of Hearts.

The power of the crown surged through the Queen of Hearts, her strength and magic intensifying tenfold. "Enough Games," the Queen of Hearts shouted.

She grasped her staff and struck the ground. A powerful earth shattering quake, shook the ground violently. All of Mulan's forces were overwhelmed by the sheer might of the Queen of Hearts.

Not to be out done, Mulan called out to her General and husband Li Shang. "Sound the army on me, we will strike as one," she said.

"Understood, but I must say, this may be the last charge," Li Shang advised.

"Then let this be a charge that all shall remember," Mulan replied.

Li Shang was empowered by Mulan's words. He blew his war horn, summoning what was left of the army. Mulan, Li Shang and the their army stood as the Queen of Hearts finished gathering her power.

"You dare stand against the power of hearts," the Queen of Hearts said.

"All will know, that one this day, even the Queen of Hearts can bleed," Mulan vowed.

With that she led the charge and her army followed. The Queen of Hearts laughed and unleashed a power wave of dark energy that repelled the army.

Mulan woke up from the attack. She was incoherent, stagged as she finally realized the newly found situation she was in. She stood standing before the malevolent Queen of Hearts, her hands bound in chains, with two Card Soldiers at her sides. She saw several of her soldiers suffering, to her left Li Shang was held by Card Soldiers. He called out to her, but she could not make out what he was saying. Finally, she was able to hear him clearly after the muffled ringing cleared.

"Li Shang," she cried.

"My love," he said.

The words soothed her. He encouraged her with his love, allowing her hold her head high, refusing to show fear. The Queen's dark, beady eyes bore into Mulan, and her voice dripped with malice as she demanded the Disney crown.

"I will make this quick, save what is left of you useless soldiers and your pathetic land," the Queen of Hearts said harshly. "And hand over the crown, dear Mulan," the Queen of Hearts hissed, her manicured fingers tapping on the shaft of her staff.

Mulan's eyes flashed with defiance. She had faced countless challenges and adversaries throughout her life, and she would not surrender now. "I will never betray my people or give in to your tyranny," Mulan declared, her voice unwavering.

The Queen of hearts eyes glowed a menacing green. She smirked, almost as if she enjoyed Mulan's defiance. With a simple gesture of her hand, the dark magic she possessed lifted Li Shang with ease. The energy from the magic found its way into Li Shang body and mind in a torturous fashion, causing unbearable pain to the general.

Mulan watched helplessly. With the strength he had left he cried out to Mulan. "Do not give in," and "You must stand your ground."

But his cries of pain was too much for her to bear.

"Know this little princess, I will get what I am after, it is evitable, I have already taken 1, I need 6 more," she explained. "I can take what I am after, or kill your beloved along with every single soul here," she added.

Mulan's heart sank as she realized the dire threat the Queen of Hearts posed. She had always placed her people's safety above all else, and she couldn't bear to see her homeland suffer. Reluctantly, she nodded her head, her eyes filled with sorrow.

"Very well," Mulan whispered, her voice barely audible. "I will do as you command."

Mulan ordered for a soldier to retrieve the crown and to bring it back to her. The soldier was accompanied by several Card Soldiers. The Queen of Hearts was pleased. Her eyes were like a child receiving a long awaited gift. She added the crown to her growing collection.

"Two down, 5 to go," she said.

"Let him go, let me people go," Mulan shouted.

"Oh I almost forgot," the Queen of Hearts said.

She did what she promised. "However, there is one last thing I must do before I go," she said.

She summoned an image that looked like a mirror, however it was portal to a dark realm. "I'm afraid I cannot let remain here," the Queen of Hearts said with a smile.

"Wha-" Mulan started to say.

Before she could finish, the Queen of Hearts used her powers to force Mulan in the portal and closed. it.

The Queen of Hearts released a sigh of relief. "Ah, I am tired," she said. "Let use retire from this miserable land," she added.

"What of him and the others," a voice said from behind her.

It was a small rabbit, well dressed with a pocket watch. He looks it. "Time is of the essence, my queen,"

"Yes, yes, perhaps you are right," she said as she looked at the defeated forces. "Let them go, we are done here," she said.

The Queen of Hearts opens a portal, and walks through followed by her legion of Card Soldiers.

Chapter ii: The Face-off

Tune in Next Week

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