Inter-Reliance ^ 10

15 1 0

Opal(to self): All of the pieces are in place. Let's---

Jazz: About what are you going...on?

Opal: Nothing. Struggling with prepositions at the end of a sentence.

Jazz: Yeah, that's not proper grammar. I try to help out when it comes up, but...

Opal: Well, I read somewhere that sometimes, sentences can and should end with prepositions.

Jazz: Really, I don't believe you. Was this just your ploy to deviate from answering my question?

Opal: Your question that ended with a preposition?

Jazz: Yes! Sentences really shouldn't end with prepositions. Wait! Were you just-- Oh, never mind.

Opal: If you say so.

    "It's been months. How have I never noticed this before?" I asked, looking at the monument which was hundreds of feet above the ground.

   Valerie shrugged as she directed the sky board back home after another day of job searching.

    "Gone, but not forgotten," I repeated, "So everyone really is gone."

    "Except you," Valerie said hopefully.

    "And Danny," I added softly before something caught my eye, "There he is!"

     I looked to Valerie as I tried to direct her attention, but she shook her head, "Your imagining things."

    "No, I'm not," I told her, "He's right..."

    I looked at the high-rising skywalks on which I had seen him, but he was gone. I couldn't pick him out among the pedestrians as they crossed the passage going about their business. I was certain I had seen him, but maybe it was my imagination.

    "Hey, cheer up. We're headed home, and Dad will be making a mean roast for dinner."

    I nodded and smiled absently, "I'm sure."

    Valerie parked in the living room or lobby of Fenton Works. I was glad that the name of Mom and Dad's company hadn't changed, another thing that I would have had to re-learn. I grabbed the cane before setting my feet on the familiar carpet of what had become the lobby since all the couches and sofas were replaced with desks and individual monitors.

    "Honestly, Jazzers, you could just work with us here," Valerie was saying.

    We were making our way into the common area, what used to be the kitchen, and I sighed, glancing at the door next to the fridge, "I don't know, Val. I don't think I'm ready for it."

   Her face lit up in a moment as her lips opened wide in a smile.

    "What?" I asked.

    "I got a nickname!" she cheered.

     I smiled, shaking my head at her antics, "You're still the same Valerie as ever."

    She looked at me intently then, "But now I have a special name after all of our time together."

    "Don't get used to it."

    "What's all the commotion about," Mayor Damon asked after coming out of the door next to the fridge.

    "I got a nickname, Dad."


    "How's dinner coming along?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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