Chapter Six

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Imi has never enjoyed one of her birthdays so much. First her friends surprise her and actually help with her chores, second, they all take her out to a restaurant for dinner and pay for her. Well, it was a cute pub that had a garden and outdoor seating area, so they all got to eat their meals and watch the sun set. It was so nice and calm. No one was getting drunk or anything, just a couple glasses of wine or a bottle of cider here or there. It was nice.

Imi sat next to Freya and Talia who sat next to their respective boyfriends, Tobi was in front of her, on his Right it went Harry and then Ethan, and then on his left, it went JJ and then Vikk. Everyone just took random seats and went with it. Although, Imi and Harry actively avoided sitting next to one another. Pure paranoia being the reason. Although, they did share multiple looks across the table, ones that didn't go unnoticed by a couple. Imi felt an elbow to her side and looked at Talia who was looking very suspiciously at Harry before turning to Imi.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" She whispered, making sure no one heard - bit difficult at a crowded table but oh well.

"I'm very sure" Imi said with a light chuckle, trying to play off the question. Imi and Harry may have agreed to keep it platonic, good friends purely, but that doesn't mean everyone needs to know what had happened. Imi turned back to the table to see Ethan whispering to Harry and the latter go bright red before nervously laughing and scratching his shoulder. He appeared to shake his head and go back to his food very quickly. He looked at Imi for a second before immediately returning to his plate. Ethan then looking at Imi with the slight narrow of his eyes, making Imi feel slightly nervous. She looks straight forward and sees a happy and smiling Tobi, he looks at her while he's laughing at some joke JJ made and repeats it for her, Imi laughing along with them and practically forgetting all of what just happened.

"Right, I have like two spare rooms, so some of you will have to sleep on air beds in here or something" Imi said as she gestures around her living room, it's a reasonable size so it should be okay. She looks up and realises to maximise the use of the double beds upstairs, the two couples can share them. She repeats what she was thinking out loud and the couples look happy, most of the others don't.

"I'd happily share a bed with Bog if I had to" Ethan said, trying to get the better bed. Harry laughs shaking his head, saying he would rather not or other. After about ten minutes of arguing, everyone came to the conclusion that Talia and Simon get one of the beds, and Josh and Freya get the other. Harry was quick to jump on the old, comfy sofa and claim that as his bed and JJ claimed the other, smaller, not as comfy sofa. Tobi helped Imi get out the three needed air beds for everyone else.

In the early hours of the morning, Imi wakes up to some clattering and banging. She gets up and walks to the stairs to see her great-grandad walking down them, accidentally knocking a couple picture frames off the wall as he did so. Imi picked them up and put them on the console table at the top of the stairs before following him. She found him in the kitchen, opening the back door and going outside. Imi followed suit with her slippers on, grabbing her great-grandfathers too so that he doesn't get cold feet. She sees him sitting on a bench near their pond on the opposite side to her. She walks over and crouches beside him.

"Forgot your slippers, grandad" Imi said as she put them in his feet for him. Her great-grandparents are very independent and capable of their own thing, it's just when it's late like this, he can be a bit forgetful, so Imi will be there to help and make sure he's okay.

"I'm always doing that" he laughs a little with a cough. Imi smiles up at him before getting to her feet and sitting next to him. "You okay, Peach?" He asked her as he looked at the stars.

"I'm fine, grandad. Just making sure you don't try jump in the pond again" Imi laughs as she said so, making the older man also laugh.

"Your acting like that was on purpose" He remarked and Imi raised an eyebrow at him before he laughed and Imi shook her head at him. "Doesn't hurt to have fun sometimes" he said with a smile and Imi sighed a little, suppose she did agree. "Who are all your friends?" He asked as he looked at his great-granddaughter.

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