My Ocs

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Matt Dillon as...

                                                  Elliott Hawthon

                                                                                                         Elliott Hawthon

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FULL NAME - Elliott Hawthon

NICKNAME(S) - El, Ellie


AGE - 17

GRADE - Junior

GENDER & PRONOUNS - Male, he/him

SEXUALITY - Bisexual

BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC - January 12th, Capricorn

FACE CLAIM - Young Matt Dillon

DISTINGUISHING MARKS - He has his tongue pierced. He also wears long black dangly earrings. No scars or tattoos.

PERSONALITY -Elliott is a calm and laid-back individual. He doesn't really act out, and typically just blends into the background of any scenario. He likes to joke around with people he's close to, making puns and calling his friends cute nicknames. Elliott is seen as the more responsible twin, though in reality he just eggs on whatever his brother is doing with little to no complaint. Elliott doesn't try very hard, and though he's technically smart, he's lazy and doesn't put in too much effort. Elliott is independent, and while he's not necessarily a loner, he just prefers to work either by himself or with his brother. He's never been too social but he doesn't actively avoid social interactions. He gives off an uncaring aura of apathy, which usually results in leaving people feeling as if he doesn't like or care for them. He's incredibly honest, and is willing to simply say things outright if he believes them. He's open-minded, and willing to work with other people and their ideas. He typically just acts like nothing bothers him, and that even in the face of death, he doesn't give a shit.

BACKGROUND -Elliott is the slightly older twin between the two, and usually makes it seem like he's a much older brother, when in reality it was about a two minute difference. Elliott lives with his mom Vanessa, his step-dad Charlie, his twin brother Edward, and his two half-sisters Annabella and Sierra. Vanessa and Charlie are both fairly young, and Vanessa was a teenager when she got pregnant with her two sons. When Vanessa got married to a man named Charlie Hawthon, the two had their own kids who are about five (Annabella) and three (Sierra). Vanessa is not a bad mother, but she views Elliott and Eddie as pieces of her old life and the old her that she's trying to leave behind. And while she still loves them, she wants to find a new start with Annabella and Sierra, hence why she tends to unconsciously leave Elliott and Eddie to tend to themselves. Charlie is a great step-father, and takes time out of his week whenever he's free to try and bond with the twins, but as he gets more and more busy with his two toddlers, their time spent together is rare. Elliott never seemed to have a problem with this, not showing any signs of resentment or displeasure from their situation. He deems himself old enough to care for himself. He's learnt a lot of life skills early on, and can take care of things like wounds, cooking, cleaning, and other basic tasks that prove useful later on in his life. Elliott is close with his two half-sisters, and is usually looked upon as the fun big brother who babysits them during their parent's date nights. He plans to move out once he turns eighteen, wanting to get an apartment with Eddie since they practically live on their own anyways. He works at a gas station, and plans on going to college in order to become a social worker, though he knows he'll probably have to get his grades up and go to a community college before he can get there.

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