The Jenna Thing

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3rd POV

At the Apple Rosegrille
"Why was Jenna there?" Asked Aria
"I guess she's back."
"That cop acted like we were suspects or something."
"Do you think we looked guilty?"
"Why would we? We haven't done anything wrong."
"Except lie about the Jenna thing."
"We promised we'd never bring up the Jenna thing again, remember? It never happened."
"Have you found a way to forget? I still wake up sometimes in the middle of the night."
"Aria, it was an accident."
"Cora, you're quiet." Said Hanna. But Cora was not listening. "Cora!" She was pulled out of her thoughts.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"Nevermind. What's the matter with you?" Hanna says and puts a drink in her glass, a man stares at her
"It's medicinal. Cramps!"
"I was just thinking about that cop. There was something about him... I don't know. Not to mention we have a stalker."
"Yeah, I don't get it. How does "A" know something about me that only Alison knew?" Said Emily
"Ali knew all of our secrets, but...We never knew any of hers." Said Aria
"I knew some." Spencer whispers
"So did I" Cora says
"Go on."
Spencer and Cora share a look. "I can't." Said Spencer.
"Spence! No, you are not gonna drop a b*mb like that and just clam up"
"She'd so kill me if I told you."
"She's dead." Said Hanna and Cora.
Ali was seeing someone that summer."
I knew she was keeping something from me! From us." Emily corrected
"Well, why didn't she want us to know?" Asked Aria
"He was an older boy,and he had a girlfriend." Cora added.
"Who was it?"
"She never told me his name." Said Spencer
"Did you know?" Hanna asked Cora
She shook her head. "No I- "show me yours and I'll show you mine" that's what she told me. A secret in exchange of a secret."
"You were hiding something from Ali?" Cora simply nodded. Eric
"That's only half the secret."
"It's more than you ever got from her."
"How is that Ali told us nothing, and we told her everything?"
"Because she made us feel like we were part of something special."
"We were."
"I miss that."
"Me too."
"I miss Ali." Said Emily who started fidgeting with the bracelet Alison gave them.
"I can't believe you still wear that."
"Ali still wears hers. Wore."
"When Ali didn't come home that night, I knew something terrible must have happened, but there was always some part of me that imagined someday she'd just show up." Said Spencer
"Yeah. I used to think that maybe she'd just...Run off with some guy." Added Aria
"She was laying on a beach somewhere."
"Or getting a tan out by the pool with that hot lifeguard."
"Ohh. Yeah...What was his name?"
"Who cares?" Say Hanna and Cora unison. All laugh softly - then Jenna enters and the girls stare at her, then leave discretely.

Cora's POV

We got home and my phone started ringing, It was a call from... Eric...
I hesitated, the last time we talked we fought. But truth was I missed him, It didn't matter whether it was wrong or right, a part of me wanted to answer his call, but before I could make up my mind I heard Spencer's voice.
"How did you manage to keep secrets from Ali?"
I sighed. "I was Ali's first friend. We learned together how to hide things." She nodded.
"How are you? You seem off."
"Yeah it's just it seem like everyone keep dying or leaving."
"Oh, Cora" she said hugged me. First Ali disappears, then Eric leaves, then my dad dies and now we find out Ali is dead..
"I'm okay, I'm okay..."

The next day I had Cheer practice, before Ali went missing I was captain but I left for almost a year and now Mona is captain.

After practice. It was fine but I think I was a better captain and from what I heard I'm not the only one that thinks that. "Good practice girls, the tryouts for captain will be next week—"
"Captain tryouts? We already have a captain. Me" interrupted Mona.
"Yes, but every year any member of the team can have a chance to become captain if they beat the actual captain. So any volunteers?"
"I'd like to tryout." I said
"Cora, are you sure you are ready to dive back into captaincy?"
"Ready and here to stay." I said.
"Good. It's good to have you back."
"Thanks coach." Mona glared at me. If that bitch thinks she can beat me then she's got another thing coming.

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