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You may find some chapters in plain English because I'm not fluent in Turkish so these words will be added later after some chapters are created and during reediting !

Last edit : march, 08. 2024


Alhamdulillah- all praise to Allah.
Ağa / agha- master | owner, title in harem - ottoman empire.
Ashji-bashi- a chief cook.

Ben- I / I am.
Büyük valide sultan- grand mother Sultana.
Bashi- head of a organization.
Bostancıbaşı- head of palace guard.
Begum- female bey.
Bey- leader of a trıbe or province, a hıgh title ın the empıre.
Bas Kadin - mother of crown prince.

Çelebi- gentleman.
Cerrahbaşı- chief surgeon.
Çeşnici- a taster.
Cariyes- imperial Court ladies.
Concubıne - a woman that can sleep wıth
the sultan. A higher ranking
than a servant.

Danişmend- master of arts.
Defterdar- treasurer.

Eunuch- a man working in the palace that
had their lower parts cut ( intimate
areas ) . They got castrated. There
are many kinds like white, black
and red. To get more information
check out Wikipedia.
Effendi- Lord, cheıf, master of somethıng .
Evet- yes.

Güzel- beautiful.
Gözde- Sultans women he slept with .
Günaydın– Good morning.
Grand pasha- maın pasha.

Hoş geldin- welcome.
Hazretleri- his majesty ( for example, his
majesty Sultan Suleiman.| Sultan
Suleiman Khan Hazretleri )
Haseki- married wife of a Sultan / prince.
Hatun- a higher ranking woman / gırl. You
become one after you're finished with
your education.
Hoca- sultans adviser, teacher.
Hekimbaşı- chief physican.

Ikbal- favorite of the gözdes.
Inshallah- if Allah wishes it-it will happen.
This is basically like saying "I hope
Allah has mercy and makes it happen"
İyi akşamlar– Good evening.
İyi geceler– Goodnight.

Kapıağası - the white eunuch in charge of
the principal palace.
Kapıcı- a gatekeeper.
Kadin/ Kadins- woman ( en ) that gave
birth to a male heir.
Kalfa - apprentice | assistant master |
supervisor in harem, title in harem -
ottoman empire.

Mashallah- thank Allah.
Merhaba- hello.

Nasılsın?– How are you?

Padişah/hünkarim/Khan- Sultan,majesty...
Pasha-Commander ,judge, aıde. Second
hıghes rank after sultan.

Sultanim - my Sultan.
Şehzade- prince.
Sultan- sultan ( padişah, Khan) male, is the
Emperor of ottomans, sultan or
sultana ıs a woman that is closely
related to the Royal Family or the
Sultan. Sultans wife's ( that gave
birth to males) are sultans, sultans
mother and sisters are sultans. And
sultans aunts and etc.
Şerbet- a very sweet drınk can be alcoholic.
Saraiy - palace.

Teşekkürler- thank you.

Valıde- mother.
Valıde Sultan- mother of sultan ( official
title) .

Can be updated later!

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