Unexpected surprise

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Sarah was the darling amongst her friends; she never knew what hostility was in her life,

never feeling anger nore hate. She lived her teenage life in peace and tranquility.

But living her life in harmony doesn't prevent her from watching and observing.

She watched how her friends lived their lives; there was one of them who fell in love for the third time,

another one was fancying her neighbour's son and then there was one who was with a man who was

nearly the same age as her father's!

Sarah thought "This can't be called love, this isn't love." Whenever her friends told her their stories about their failed love experiences, Sarah just couldn't help but crack up a smile and laugh! She really had no idea on what these things were, because Sarah lives her life somewhere else, in a place where she never gets bored or tired, even after hours and hours of being there,. This place is called, The Internet.

  Sarah thought, this can't be called love, this isn't love. whenever her friends told her their stories about thier failed love, sarah just couldnt help but crack up a smile and laugh! She really had no idea what these things were, because  Sarah  lives her life somewhere else, in a place where she never gets bored or tired, even after hour and hours of being there… this place is called, the INTERNET.

   Sometimes, she just can’t help but feel that her heart’s somewhere else, separated from her body. And where else can her heart be? In the Internet, of course! She loved everything that it offered, she spent endless hours, cruising around, going in to different sites, oh how she loved it! Maybe we can call Sarah socially awkward, for she prefers chatting and discussing things with her friends via the chat and comment boxes, she felt more comfortable this way.

    One day, Sarah was in her usual hobby, exploring site to site, clicking this and entering that. When suddenly, a friend popped out, and offered her something. “Hey, I have this internet friend I met a few days ago, you’ll love her! I’ll introduce you to her, maybe?”She said.

   Sarah normally refuses to meet people, boys to most especially. Because for her, it’s a bit awkward and besides, she came from a very conservative family, so definitely, no boys allowed! But since, this person, the girl her friend introduced, seems a little bit interesting.

    Sarah decided, maybe she should step out of her bubble and try to explore for awhile. After all, she already got herself tons of internet friends, who think of her as a friend and a sister. And it’s been awhile since she last found herself a new internet buddy.    

   After a few hours of talking to this new found friend of hers, Sarah greatly admired her, she was cool, awesome, and they think quite the same! She’s a lovely company to keep. But there was this time when they were chatting together and Sarah’s friend suddenly blurted out something.

  - “I have something to confess to you, but please do promise that you won’t hate me.”

   -“Hate? That’s not in my vocabulary! Aren’t we sisters here?” Sarah immediately replied.

  - Sarah received a reply, “You really want the truth?” she said.

   -“Of course!” she responded back.

   -An answer popped “Are you sure?”

  - Sarah sighed, and replied anyway, “You told me you’re going to tell me something, so go ahead!” 

  -  “I’m a guy…” Sarah watched it blink before her eyes. She can’t believe this.

   “I’m 22, my name is Jad.”  he continued to reply. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lie to you…. I didn’t want to tell you the truth at first, I did this because…” It ended there.

  Sarah didn’t know if she should reply back, or even how to type, she felt numb, it was a surprise for her.

  -“It doesn’t matter why I pretended to be a girl… the most important is, I love you… I love you so much.” he added.

   She can’t believe this, is this for real? But something deep inside of her, seemed to have changed. Is this even true? Is she really a ‘he’ or maybe she’s just trolling around… It bothered Sarah.

    She felt something, it seems like her heart skipped a beat, that’s the first time she ever felt that. Sarah stared at her laptop’s monitor for a few seconds and decided to straighten up, she needs to reply.

  “Funny, how can you fall in love via the internet? And b esides, I don’t fall in love, whoever you really are…”

   And after a few moments of thinking, she added, “And I’m sorry, I only think of you as a brother…”   

  he said“I’m not asking you to fall in love with me, nor change what you think of me, it’s a free world! But what is important is that you have to know that…I love you.”

  Sarah watched it blink, was she supposed to reply to this, what will she do? Is ‘he’ really saying the truth? But to Sarah, she decided it was the…


  Indeed something has changed. She loves him… Cupid’s arrows hit her heart without her permission. What is she in now?

  She asked herself. It’s been weeks since the last chat with Jad. ‘I miss him…’ Jad was really different, he was the only person Sarah really enjoyed talking to, and he was indeed special She loves him too… She loves him with all her heart too…. Until Sarah decided, it was time for her to reply. She quickly went grabbed her laptop and opened her email… there were tons of emails from him, all about love, his love for her.

  "Why did you left me?" A chatbox suddenly popped out,

  it was him. She quickly thought of a response, “I was away, in a family trip.”

  “Do you love me back?” He asked again, not minding her excuse. Sarah gulped, ‘here goes nothing’ she thought. “Yes, I do. I love you too…”

  Sarah can feel Jad’s energy from across the screen, he was happy… he was more than happy, he was ecstatic, he was on cloud nine. But at the same time, there was something with is Sarah, it was guilt… She felt like she lied and betrayed her family, her very conservative family… With all the guilt within her, she decided to do something… On a piece of paper, she wrote:

"God is my witness, I love you all. You’re my first love, and forever you’ll be in my heart… But something happened, and I believe I have betrayed your trust to me. I believe I don’t deserve to live with you any longer, I believe this will be the last thing you’ll ever hear from me, but always remember that I love you, forever and always. Please don’t forget me I will not forget you and I promise that you are my first love and the last... bye".

 Tears streamed down her eyes, pain and sadness were all she ever felt. But at the same time, convinced that what she did was the right thing…. Never in Sarah’s life she knew that falling in love was this hard….

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2013 ⏰

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