Chapter 1: Place To Call Home

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A/n: The beginning part of this chapter will be a continuation of the last chapter. Also if you are wondering how they can fit their big ship rigging inside the lab, the lab is big and has a lot of space.


Bold: talking through communications

Italic: Thinking

"Bold": "Split personality talking"

"Bold Italic": Split personality Talking in mind

Bold Italic: Split personality thinking.


Location: Far east of Sakura empire, an Island. Time: 23:40

Atago Pov

After being briefed in the meeting room and hours for preparation, Akagi, Kaga, Me, Takao onee-chan, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, and Zuikaku arrived at the back of the island. We jump off the water to the land while dismissing our rigging shoes. The island is very dark since it's almost midnight.

Kaga: So, where do we start searching?

Zuikaku: I don't know.

Me: We need to be careful I noticed some cameras and traps earlier.

Takao: Right, I realize that Lady Nagato forgot to divide us into teams.

Akagi: So, how about Kaga, Atago, and Me be in one team, while Takao, Zuikaku, and Shoukaku are in one team?

Me: Sounds good.

Shoukaku: My team will go for the black wisdom cube, while the other team go for the girl.

Takao: We should strike now we have 5 minutes left before the raid starts.

Zuikaku: I know where the entrance is, I saw it earlier.

Takao: Then we should waste no more time.

All of us then proceed to walk to the lab entrance while trying not to be noticed by the cameras or trigger a trap at all. I feel Akagi will not stop holding that girl when she gets her.

Zuikaku: Here we are.

Zuikaku moved aside to reveal a big bunker door that was pretty hidden. I look toward the siren and from a distance, I see three figures flying toward the island and the mass-produced siren ship is preparing to bombard the island.

Me: Uh, guys we need to act NOW.

Takao: Why is it onee-chan?

Me: The high-ranking sirens are coming, we have 3 minutes left before the raid starts.

Akagi: Right, I am on it.

Akagi then took out her "planes" before throwing them at the door exploding it open. When the smoke clears out, the alarm starts ringing, and the explosions might have alerted the sirens. I look toward the siren again and the three high-ranking sirens start going faster and the mass-produced siren ship starts firing.

Me: Time to go now, the explosion alerts them.

I start rushing inside followed by the others, soon after more explosions are heard from outside. I look at Takao who nods and my teams split up, the same thing with Takao and her team.

We split up at the intersection of one of the paths leading to the lab and one to the dorms and resting place. My team and I headed to the dorms and resting place since the girl might be there.

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