Chapter 3: Visits

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The next morning I was being questioned by George as to how visiting the cemetery went.

"It was all right. I put some new flowers on Fred's." I said. We were in the flat's kitchen eating breakfast.

"That's good." He muttered.

"Well I best be taking this pissy thing now." I held up the polyjuice potion. I turned to leave, but he stopped me.

"Nyx, I have something to ask you." He quickly said.

"Alright?" I turned back around and sat at the table across from him.

"I was wondering, if you'd maybe want to just take Fred's place? As an owner?" He asked. I stared at him blankly, searching his face for some kind of pain. There was nothing.

"George I couldn't do that." I said.

"Look, you're my best friend right now, and you've been a lot of help to me, more than anyone since the battle. You're a great seller and the customers love you. You're the only person I would even think about asking to fill Fred's spot and I'm sure Fred would only want you." He explained.

"I'll have to think about it, George." I was debating wether telling him about the cemetery.

"All right. As long as you do think about it." He finished his coffee.

"I'll see you down there." I muttered, leaving the room and going down some many flights of stairs. I grabbed a work apron from the cupboard in the back room and then made my way to the counter. I grabbed my wand from the inside of my boot and flicked it, making the sign that once said closed, say open.

Not even a second later, our first customers came in. I noticed that Sofia was late this morning; hurrying to tie her apron and go to a different counter. "Good morning!" I smiled at the girl and her friend. They smiled back and started browsing the shop.

Tons of more customers came into the shop that day. It's only expected, since Weasley Wizard Wheezes is the most popular shop in Diagon Alley.

"All right, that will be 2 galleons, 1 sickle and 1 knut." I said to the girl. She rummaged through her purse. I looked out the window at the many people passing and had to blink a couple of times for what I thought I saw was unbelievable. The girl cleared her throat.

"Right, sorry." I smiled. She gave me her money. I kept stealing glances up to the window. "Thank you, have a nice day!" I said as she thanked me back, heading out of the shop. It was him. In Diagon Alley. Well I guess he was by the entrance to Knockturn Alley, but still, he was close enough. Too bad I was working and he couldn't come into the shop.

I helped loads of people today, and even said hello to Harry, though he didn't know who I was. George was the only one.
Once we were ready to close up, I told George I had something to do and hung up my working apron. I made sure my wand was in my boot before grabbing my cloak and heading out of the shop. I walked past the various mysterious figures as I turned left into Knockturn Alley.

I didn't know where I was going, I just turned corner after corner. It's a good thing I knew my way around here.

"Hey girly! Lost?" A crippled old woman asked.

"No, I'm not." I said sternly.

"Looks likes you are." Another man came into view.

"I bet she is." A man grabbed me from behind. I grabbed my wand from my boot and pointed it into his neck.

"Do not touch me." I hissed. He didn't listen to me and grabbed my arm.

"She said don't touch her." A male voice said. I looked around and behind the old woman and the other man. There was a cloaked figure.

"Yeah, and what're you gonna do about it, sonny?" He questioned, his grip tightening. The mysterious man threw back his hood. Draco.

"Oh, we're very sorry Mr. Malfoy." The man said. I jerked my arm away from his grip. Draco reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"You better be." He muttered, dragging me to a different corner, away from any other people. He leaned up against the wall and looked at me. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and raised it up. "Where did you get this?" He demanded, referring to my wand.

"Ollivanders." I stated.

"No you didn't. You stole it, didn't you?" he questioned.

"What are you on about?" I asked, trying to take my wrist back.

"This wand. This is Anyxus Thyme's wand." He said. Oh my god, he remembers my wand. I'm screwed. "I won't ask again. Where did you get it?"

"I picked it up during the battle and have been using it ever since. That's why I went to the cemetery. I figured out whose wand it was and was going to give it back, but then you showed up." I lied. "Plus, I don't have any other wand." He just stared at me blankly.

"So I really didn't have to tell you all I did at her grave?" he looked annoyed.

"I only knew her name." I said.

"How did you find out it was her wand?" he asked.

"A friend of mine. George Weasley. He was great friends with Anyxus as well." I explained.

"Yeah." he said quietly.

"I saw you earlier. That's why I came into Knockturn." I said. "I didn't think you'd come."

"Yeah, well I did." He stated.

"Did you want to talk?" I asked.

"Kind of. I felt like- I dunno, like you were the only one that would understand. My parents don't. I really have no one to talk to."

"So you sneak around, risking being captured and taken to Azkaban?" I questioned and he shrugged. I scoffed and shook my head. "What would Anyxus say if she knew what you were doing?"

"She'd probably hit me and yell something." He laughed a little. That is what I would do.

"Do you want to go get a drink?" I suggested.

"I can't go into-"

"Not the Leaky Cauldron. I meant somewhere more private, without other people there to recognize you." I confirmed.

"Alright." He agreed.

"Put your hood back on." I told him, and he did so. The only thing I thought while he followed me down the alleyways was, 'Hopefully George won't mind.'

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