Chapter 13 - College, Epilogue

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On the first day of classes in my first year of college, the ringing of an alarm woke me up. It wasn't my alarm, so I assumed it belonged to my roommate.


I blinked my bleary eyes open and felt the girl in my arms twisting around. She turned off the alarm and let out a breath, then smiled at me.

"Still you?"

I smiled back. "Still me."

Amana stroked my hair and kissed me. I hummed and rubbed her back while savouring the soft sensation.

"Waking up to you like this is wonderful," I mumbled.

"Wanna know something more wonderful?" When I looked at her in confusion, she continued, "I set the alarm thirty minutes early."

I giggled. "Addict!"

Amana pushed me onto my back and held herself over me. "Something wrong?"

I smiled and shook my head, sliding a hand up to her chest. "Not at all."

As a guy, I'd been a virgin. I had nothing to compare to, but having sex with Amana as a girl was immensely enjoyable to me. Learning each other's most sensitive places, targeting them in a competition to make the other produce more noise, those noises being muffled by desperate kisses, getting our fill of each other's body...

A second alarm cut the fun short. We begrudgingly separated and prepared for class.

However, the excitement of classes at a new school paled in comparison to what would happen after.

All the swapping victims, Amana, and Natsue planned to meet up after class, to see what body Kaeru had ended up in. We all felt it would be her final swap and that she'd finally be able to live life for herself rather than in preparation for the next owner. We were all curious how she would end up.

I checked the group chat at lunch. Natsue had sent, "Kaeru secured! See you at seven!"

"My money's on girl," I sent.

"Same here."

"I'll say boy."



"I can tell you for certain I am not a frog," Rin's account sent. Kaeru had probably retrieved her old phone and just hadn't changed her name or avatar yet, to keep the surprise.

I smiled and put my phone away.

That night, as the time approached, the group started to gather in a nearby park. Soon, everyone except Kaeru, Natsue, and maybe Rin had arrived. It made sense that they'd be late, as it would be best to have everyone together for the reveal.

About ten minutes after seven, Rin and Natsue approached. Rin looked pretty awkward, as expected, while Natsue seemed amused.

"Great," Natsue chimed, beaming. "Everyone's here!"

I glanced at Rin. Having yet another person occupying my original body made me feel quite strange. That would be doubled if it was a girl.

"What about Kaeru?" I asked, turning my gaze to the surroundings. The other girls did the same.

Natsue raised her hand and waved. "That's me. I'm Kaeru."

We all reacted immediately with various sounds of surprise and questions that couldn't be made out.

Natsue shifted her posture. She stopped pretending to be the previous Natsue and changed to the aloof appearance I was used to from Kaeru. "One at a time. Though, I can guess what you're asking."

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