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"Marinette?" Chat thought, steeling himself not to look away from the enemy and at Ladybug, "What does Marinette have to do with this?"

   A difficult connect-the-dot game was going through his mind, trying to complete the full picture.

Marinette hasn't been sleeping well for the past almost two weeks. She has been off her game and is so exhausted. Ladybug followed not too long after with the same symptoms. Marinette has been having nightmares about Chat while Ladybug's fear is Chat Blanc.

Chat Blanc was obviously talking to and focused on Ladybug but calling her Marinette. Chat Noir was a mere translucent window to his akumatized self.

Now, he was really trying not to look at Ladybug.

Because he was starting to realize that maybe...Ladybug and Marinette might be the same person.

Ladybug went stiff as a board at the sound of her name.

She was praying that this really was just a nightmare. That this wasn't real and that Hawkmoth doesn't know her identity. She hasn't seen Sandboy in a while, making her wonder if he was off spreading more nightmares somewhere else.

Yet, there was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Chat Noir must know her identity now and there wasn't anything she could do to change it. She wasn't sure if Chat knowing was worse than Hawkmoth finding out. This moment could lead to Chat Blanc's return.

The thought alone made her blood run cold.

"Come on, you're breaking this poor kitty's heart, Marinette," Chat Blanc said, throwing his destructive discs at different buildings. Debris from the structures and people started evacuating the buildings.

Ladybug gasped as her nightmares were only just beginning and the result would be one final massacre of an entire universe.

She had to do something! She needed to stop this! She couldn't rewatch Chat Blanc's destruction again for however many times she'd already seen it in her dreams. This was no dream though, this was all real.

She needs to fight instead of being a coward!

Chat Noir growled as Chat Blanc began to approach. Blanc brought out his own weapon and extended it. The two cats were locked into a fight. Their batons clanged into each other but Blanc's power seemed to overthrow Noir's strength.

It didn't help that the cat hero was already exhausted from his chase with Sandboy. He needed Ladybug to go after the akuma before he was really depleted of energy.

Chat Noir was hit into a building, making the path clear to Ladybug. Chat Blanc casually walked over to the heroine. Ladybug immediately prepared her yoyo to fight.

"Oh, M'lady..." Chat Blanc sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. He flung a small blast of destruction at Ladybug's feet. The road beneath her crumbled away and caved into the sewers. Ladybug let out a squeal almost falling in but managed to wrap her yoyo around a street lamp.

She landed in the building Chat Noir was thrown into and quickly searched for her partner.

"...just give up already and hand over your miraculous..." Chat Blanc continued. Ladybug spotted Chat Noir's unruly blonde hair and removed a broken piece of the wall from his leg. His green eyes blinked open and gave her a small, reassuring smile.

"...or else you know what will happen if you don't."

Ladybug winced at Chat Blanc's words while helping Chat Noir onto his feet. The two superheroes faced the nightmare that stood before them. Blanc frowned, sending a disc of destruction at them.

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