
12 1 1

Roger and I walked the streets of Energy City.it feels good to have restored balance to the magical universe. I think it's about time to go to my adoptive mother's house

"Just give me a few minutes," I told Roger.

"Okay," he replied. "Take your time. Is there anything wrong?"

"No. I just want to revisit my adoptive parents and talk to them."

I knocked on the door.

"Electra, my dear sweet energy bolt!" my adoptive mom, Aria, exclaimed. She looked me up and down. "You look different. I don't know what it is, but there's something about you that seems different. Did you go through some transformation?"

"You could say that," I replied. "I went through both an outer transformation and an inner transformation. I'll tell you."

We sat down on a bench to talk.

"You remember what you first taught me about winning and losing?" I asked.

"Yeah," Aria replied. "You have to hate losing more than you love winning."

"Well, I used to be like that, but now I have an opposite mindset. What if I told you that I love winning more than I hate losing? How do you feel about that?"

Aria raised an eyebrow. "It's...a strange way to look at things. How did you come to this mindset?"

"I'm so glad you asked! When I first started at Alfea, I met a friend named Natalie. She's the fairy of wind and weather, and is very calm and logical. She forewarned me about the dangers of hating to lose and told me that I should wait for the right moment to attack."

"That's some trashy advice. What did you do?"

"I considered it, but I had a very strong impulse to get revenge on Icy, Darcy and Stormy. At the first, it didn't hurt me that much."

"Good! Paying back villains should feel great... didn't it?"

"Yes, for a time. But during my third year, I experienced the results of my actions, and it happened as I earned my Enchantix."

"Enchantix? That's the highest form you can earn at Alfea!"

"Mm-hm. It did feel good to earn it, until the Headmistress told me that I had incomplete Enchantix powers."

"Really? Why?"

"Because I was much too vengeful."

"But being vengeful is the way to win! How could that make your Enchantix incomplete?"

"I didn't know until Bloom and I tried avenging Tecna. We attacked Valtor together, but he cast an Oppositus spell on us, freezing us. Thankfully, Alysha, Natalie, Stella, Flora, Musa and Aisha freed us with fairy dust. We were then teleported to the infirmary. The nurse took an X-ray. Results showed me that the ice put me in a deep freeze from the inside out. She said that this loss would be the most memorable and that we should learn to accept failure, but I refused. I hated losing, and Valtor needed to pay! Headmistress Faragonda pulled me aside, talked to me about my incomplete Enchantix, and said that I needed to change my perspective on winning and losing, that I should love winning more than I hated losing, which involved waiting for the right time to strike. This was the second time someone told me that. After attending Florence, Italy's college for a a proper girl education, Mia told me the exact same thing that the Headmistress told me, that I should wait for the right time to strike. I let that thought sit on the back burner for a while, because I was trained to not lose to enemies."

"I taught you that."

"That's right, mom. You did. After graduating Alfea, I decided to join my cousin Aisha's team... you know, with Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa and Tecna? But before I joined them, Aunt Niobe gave me a list of quotes from her grandmother Layla. She told me to keep them and never forget them. I promised her that I wouldn't forget them, then left to join the six girls. We went on a mission to Earth and battled the assistants of the Wizards of the Black Circle, who killed Nabu in a fight. Aisha and I were furious! We couldn't wait to avenge our only Androsian specialist. While the victory was sweet, I still kept my vengeful side a secret until the next mission: the quest for Sirenix. I let my feelings out as I talked with my cousin, and she understood me completely and told me that we would work through those vengeful feelings together. We also defeated her evil cousin Tritannus and saved Andros, but not without some serious losses and some fierce outbursts of rage. But then, the biggest test came: the return of Valtor."


"I know! That's what I felt when I saw him again. Not even the Enchantix could beat him, so one by one, the girls and I had to earn Pyrix, the strongest transformation we had received since Enchantix. In the midst of us earning Pyrix, Flora was petrified by Valtor! So, in my anger, I punched him hard and demanded revenge immediately... until my cousin Aisha reminded me of what Headmistress Faragonda had said to me when I was at Alfea: wait for the right time to strike. And that's what I did. I waited patiently for the right time, and when it finally came, we gave Valtor what he deserved."

"That's how I felt too. But one question remained: do I hate losing more than I love winning? The answer? No. Actually, quite the opposite is true. I love winning more than I hate losing. I even earned my complete Enchantix powers because of it. You should try it too. You'll see how much better you feel when you are more patient."

"But how do you handle loss?"

"It's simple, really. I just acknowledge the anger I feel, hum, and I feel better. I don't think about the loss or getting back at the enemy."

"You have truly matured. You went from an aggressive and vengeful warrior to a mildly passive aggressive, yet patient, guardian fairy."

I smiled. "Thanks, mom!" I said.

What's going to happen next? Will my mom actually take the advice I gave her and be more patient? Well, only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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