The Poet And The Prince

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A prince with a mind is full of duties and adventure, but with a spot in his heart just for his poet. A prince who knows how to treat every princess of the realm with love and passion, but when it comes to the poet, the prince doesn't know what to say or how to express his feelings, because is new for him to love someone who is not a princess. A prince that gives a feeling of protection and comfortability to the poet, like a safe home. A prince, that with his elegant and gentle personality can make the poet fall for him.

A poet who, through his poems, is able to convey to his prince all the love, affection and romance he feels for him. A poet who is able to express, with great delicacy, all his feelings to his prince. A poet that gives peace and calmness to his prince every time he recites his verses. A poet who, with his poems, can show the world the love he has for the prince.

A prince who always protects and cares for his poet, who loves him unconditionally. A prince with a gentle soul and heart who will do everything and anything to protect and care for his special one. A prince with whom the poet can have all the love he deserves in the world, and to enjoy and love each other until the end of time, loving each other with true love and affection, with passion and romance.

A poet who finds inspiration in the prince from his verses. A poet with a brilliant mind that in every beautiful thing he seems to find the image of the prince. A poet that loves to describe his prince with the amazing nature, comparing it to their love. A poet who loves anyone but the prince. A poet who juts knows how to use his verses and his immagination to describe his love for the prince.

A prince who loves everything about his poet, to the point of getting lost in his voice each time the poet recites one of his verses. A prince who can't get enough of the poems that his poet writes and recites to him. A prince who loves just one person and wants to spend the rest of his life loving his poet and living with them. An exclusive and eternal love between the prince and the poet.

But everyone knows that a prince can't marry a poet.

No matter how hard and the countless times the poet helped the prince to get out of those arranged marriages, the Queen and the King could always find a way, a new princess, to make the prince marry.
Their love was pure, kind, yet wrong for the realm, secrets and lies were at the eyes of the royalty, the poet was just a poet, a friend, not more, not less, the prince could always and only lie about it.

Months passed away, their love grew stronger, the fear of losing each other grew stronger, but the future that awaited the prince couldn't be stopped, it was signed, and so the day came, the day were the prince couldn't escape anymore from what his family had for him, his spouse was beautiful than ever, but he knew that he didn't want that, it didn't bring him happiness, and when the promise of being on each other's side untill death was pronounced he lied once again for his sake, for the sake of the realm, his life was once again built on lies.

Some say that after that day the prince had an happy life with his wife and kids, the thing that scared him the most was to actually care for her, other say that after that day the poet disappeared in the shadows, watching from afar the prince's smile with his new life, seeking, craving and missing what they were in the past, he spent all the rest of his life by just watching silently, untill death went to welcome the poet's soul from the underground and the romantic poet was left at his only fate without the prince and with the death.


Autor's note

Hello there, I hope that it wasn't that bad as first one shot, I was planning to start this book for ages and now here I am.

As first thing I want to say that idk how much I will update or when, even if Im planning to.

I think there will be some (if not a lot-) angast here, not to mention that I could also write some genshin one shots (genshin fandom where are you at?), Im not gonna say something like "don't come if you don't like this" and stuff, but I would like to have a peaceful environment here, at least.

In the tags you can find the "topic" that will be in this book.

I think this is all for now, enjoy your time here and have a nice day/night.


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