Chapter Two

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Natalia sent Inej on her way back to the Slat, as she took off in the shadows to speak to Kaz. She couldn't get over the man on the roof or the fact that he kept all of this from her. She could never climb as well as Inej and she was never as quiet either. But if she cushioned her feet with the air around her, she could compete with Inej. Natalia followed Kaz down one of the little canals that would take him past Fifth Harbor. It was rare for her to be the one following Kaz after something like this. She knew he felt her presence. He always did. Always knew when she was going to enter a room. Knew when she was hiding, waiting for him.

It was usual for her and Kaz to surround themselves with silence. If they talked it was about a job or secrets. No matter how long Natalia has known Kaz they've never talked about anything past the job. The investments. She was a Kaz Brekker investment herself after all. And even if Kaz didn't admit it he let his Venom in on a lot more than any of the others. She watched him build up the Dregs and was there to help him the entire way. Everyone knew her as Dirtyhands second hand. Others say she was his good leg. Something both of them despised equally.

Jesper and Inej like to make jokes. Jokes about how the two were always holed up together in his office. The way the two were always next to each other. Natalia liked to tease Kaz. Liked to make him angry. It was easy. But she also liked how trusted she was. Kaz let her take on more than even Inej.

'Spit it out already, Venom,' Kaz's voice broke the silence.

She almost jumped at the sudden noise. 'You didn't send anyone to Burstraat.'

'Why would I?'

'If Geels doesn't get there in time—'

'No ones setting fires at Nineteen Burstraat.'

'We heard the siren...'

'A happy accident. I take inspiration where I find it.'

'You were bluffing, then. She was never in danger.'

Kaz shrugged and Natalia knew she wasn't going to be getting a straight answer from him. 'When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing.'

Natalia stepped into the light and his gaze immediately fell on her. 'Why did you even agree to the meet if you knew it was a set-up?'

'I'd call the night a success,' he said. 'Wouldn't you?'

'You were nearly killed. So was Jesper.'

'Geels emptied the Black Tips' coffers paying useless bribes. We've outed a traitor, re-established our claim to Fifth Harbor, and I don't have a scratch on me. It was a good night.'

'There was an extra man on the roof,' Natalia said. 'He's not gonna be a problem anymore. Didn't recognize him.'

'Someone new that Geels got under his thumb,' Kaz shrugged. 'Figured he wouldn't make it out with you and Wraith on it.'

'How long have you known about Big Bolliger?'

'Weeks. We're going to be short-staffed. That reminds me, let Rojakke go.'

'Why? There's no one like him at the tables.'

'Lots of sobs know their way around a deck of cards. Rojakke is a little too quick. He's skimming.'

'He's a good dealer, and he has a family to provide for. You could give him a warning, take a finger.'

'Then he wouldn't be a good dealer anymore, would he?'

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