Happy Alley

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Its been a while now since the events of the last chapter and if anything has happened its that you have found every possibility to not socialize and get to know your team. The team has not even been deployed on a mission yet which is really making the others annoyed well except for Miss Martian and you. Whilst everyone was doing whatever it is they are doing, you were sat in a science lab. Its interior full with useful stuff that might be needed. In the room was also shelves with loads and loads of books related on any topic you might need to look at. The main colour of choice in this room is different shades of purple, literally there is a lot of purple over the place. Besides that let's carry on the story shall we so, Y/n sat down at a desk with a very advanced computer on, typing away on the keyboard writing up ideas for gear he will need to make for future battles as you can never be to prepared. That was until Kaldur (Aqualad) came in the room.

Kaldur: Soundwave were going inside Megan's space ship, you coming with us?

Y/n: (on visor) id rather stay here, I'm busy with something important.

Kaldur: okay, contact me if you need anything

Y/n: (nods)

Kaldur leaves the room and goes to the others whilst you sit there in the room carrying on what you are doing. The screen infront of you had blue prints to different gadgets and other useful stuff we might need on missions. The only person who has actually came to talk with you is Kaldur. With the others, they get in Megan's ship and fly in the air. Exiting the facility.

Robin: so how come Soundwave doesn't try interact with us? He's been in his room since he got here and hasn't left.

Aqualad: he prefers solitude, he'll open up though it will..... just take time. Not like you guys have tried to approach him.

Kidflash: he is one creepy dude. He wears a mask with a screen on, records everything and watches our every move from the cameras. Why would we want to approach him?

Aqualad: it doesn't change the fact that not one of you approached him. I'm the only one he has talked to. Well interacted with. Words come up on his visor.

Aqualad saw that Superboy was feeling down and upset. He was thinking hard about something obvious so he decides to give Superboy some help.

Aqualad: I may not have psychic powers, But I can guess what you're thinking. You overreacted, and you don't know how to apologize. Just say sorry.

Robin: He'll come around.

Miss Martian: He doesn't seem to like me much.

Kidflash: You guys remember he has super hearing, right?

Then the team try to brighten up the mood. Miss Martian show them so Martian Shape-shifting and went into a female Wally. Wally being himself commented on it. Yet lets switch our focus back to you. For you had stayed behind in your lab typing away. The doors to the room opened and Red Tornado walked in. He enters and like he had suspected you were still here. Canary had asked Tornado once she woke up from her mission with you to make sure you were settling in. Most importantly, interacting with the others. You haven't done that. Well apart from Kaldur. Ravage gets up from his bed and walks around your legs and then goes to Red Tornado. Ravage purring as his mask comes off to reveal his face. Red Tornado bends down and strokes Ravage. Laser beak flys onto your shoulder and makes his noise. You stop typing away.

Red Tornado: how are you settling in?

You turn your head towards him and on your visor it read you were doing good. An obvious lie. He has checked the cams. Seen the footage. You haven't stepped out since you came in. Your still human though. A teen. You need sleep, energy. The essentials. Love. The only two providing you with that last bit is Arrow and Canary. Red Tornado walks forward to you. You turn around and he puts out his hand. On his palm lays a chocolate bar.

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