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Hi my name is Tina and I'm 15 years old, 5'6, and I love rock music and pancakes. I am a tomboy and I have black and brown hair and whit as snow skin (exaggeration) and my eyes are two different colors. Black and Blue. just a little something to know about me.

(Tina's P.O.V)

I was in my room while my mom and dad were in their room sleeping. I was on my phone reading. I got up and grabed my charger and my phone I was going to go walk but I here my room window being knocking and i open my window to see Raven my best friend she is wearing a dress that is black and she's has blue shoes and red eyes and has black hair and skin whit as snow.

Raven: Hey Tina you want to meet so guys I know you will like one of them for sure.

me: Sure why not their no guy I like but ticci Toby so go ahead

????: Hey Tina, I'm toby

????: Hey Tina, I'm Jeff

????: Hey Tina, I'm eyeless Jack

????: Hey Tina, I'm Ben

????: Hey Tina I'm slenderman just call me slender child

me: What the heck!!!!! Raven how do you know them unless you didn't. ~cries~

Raven: Tina your not all human your demon and wolf and human and your a creepypasta.

me: ~Stops crying~ How? My mom and dad are human...

Raven: Their not you mom and dad. Slender is your dad. Me and you are sisters.

me: ~Looks down~

Toby: ~Lifts Tin's chin to look at me.~ Its ok Tina, we are your family, not them they just lie to you saying that your their's so just come with us.

Raven: Grrrrrrrr your lucky she likes you!!

me: RAVEN!

everone else: Hahaha its true ~everyone shuts up~

me: ~Blushes a deep red~ y-you like me?

Toby: ~Blushes~ y-yea I like you.

me: Yes.

me: TBH (to be honest) I love how you kill people.

Toby: Thanks. ~blushes~

Raven: Hey you know Nathan? He's one of us too. He's are brother, and your sister Angel the one you cry about because you never get to see her anymore.

me: Hey don't tell them that and Raven, how is Nathan at the mansion I talked to him last night.

Raven: He's just their and he is wanting on you to come home. ~picks up Tina, leaves and goes to the mansion~


A/N: OK my little killers tell what you think about it this is my first book I wrote so please be nice to me and I love all, so please vote. Thanks so much. <3

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