Andy sat with Jasper as he groaned out in pain. She ignored the angry yells and cries from the other kids. She wiped the dried blood off his face and neck. Clark took the poultice off his wound.

"The grounders cauterized his wound. They saved his life" She said as she grabbed a wet cloth.

"They saved him so they could string him up as live bait" Andy felt sick at the image of her best friend tied up to that tree, in pain, just waiting to be killed. Finn walked over and leaned up against the wall.

"This is infected, he could be septic" Clark stared down at the boy. Then looked over at Monty. "Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark?"

Monty just sat and stared at his best friend, who was laying there in pain.

"Monty?" Andy said, trying to get the boy's attention. He snapped out of his thoughts.

"That would be a firm no" He looked back down at the wristband.

"I'll help Monty" Andy said, rinsing her hands off and heading over to the boy.

"My mother would know what to do," Clark sighed. Wells came up the ladder.

"How's he doing?" He asked as he bent down over the boy.

"How does it look like he's doing Wells?" Clark said aggressively. Wells looked at the girl, Andy was shocked at how calm he was every time anyone yelled at him. But she supposed he was used to it, being the chancellor's son and all.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help" He said, Clark just looked down at Jasper.

"Alright, you want to help?" She sighed, her hands shaking. "Hold him down"

Wells, Finn, and Monty grabbed the boy's legs. Clark stuck her knife into a flame, then brought it over the boy.

"I'm not gonna like this, am I?" Monty questioned. Andy went over and held Jasper's head in her lap.

Jasper screamed out in pain as Clarks knife dug into his chest. Suddenly Octavia ran up the ladder.

"Stop it! You're killing him!" She ran over and sat next to Andy.

"She's not, she's saving his life" Finn looked over at the girl.

"She cant," Bellamy came up the ladder causing everyone to look over.

"Get out Blake" Andy yelled glaring at the boy. He just stood there. Wells got up.

"Back off" He got up close to Bellamy's face, as if threatening him.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die'' Clark didn't once look up from Jasper.

"Kids a goner, if you can't see that, you're deluded" Bellamy looked over at Clark.

"He's making people crazy" Bellamy said.

"I'm sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here every life matters." Clark said to the boy. He just looked down at Jasper and pointed.

"Take a look at him, he's a lost cause." Andy got up and walked over to the Blake.

"Get out" She said, she was inches away from him. He just looked at her. "I know you love to give up on people, but that's you. We are not giving up on him. Because at the end of the day, when he survives, he will know we cared enough about him to help that happen"

Bellamy knew this was her way of getting a point across. The point that he gave up on her, but he knew deep down that he never gave up. But he took what she said and walked over to the ladder, but he stopped to overhear what Clark told his sister.

Always (Bellamy Blake x OC)Where stories live. Discover now