Only Two?

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It's been a couple more weeks, just two. Only two.



I've been hanging out home basically all day because I've been home alone and sometimes I just want to be alone

I'm not goth, emo or whatever you wanna call it, but alone time is essential

I sit back on the couch scrolling through shows on the TV when my phone dings

Big boy Bernard: hi

Me: what do u want Matthew.

Big boy bernard: are u cranky

Me: no.

Big boy bernard: you are

Me: no

Big boy bernard: where are you

Me: home

I sit in chat for a few minutes waiting for a response but I don't get one

I put my phone down and finally turn on a movie and watch it

Truly, I am cranky.

I always am, or when it's my time of the month. And it very much is

It's just universal

I take a sip of my Pepsi and set it back on the coffee table before sitting back against the pillows

A few minutes pass by before my front door open

I sit up with a confused look on my face and the door shuts and Matt comes into the living room

I look over at him in the archway silently


"Here," he says coming over setting stuff down

I look at the stuff confused seeing candy and a blanket which I grab and pull out of the ribbon that ties it up

"What's this for" I ask while unfolding it and throwing it over me

"You're cranky."

"Shut up" I giggle

He moves the candy onto the table and sits next to me on the couch

"What are you watching?"

"I don't know I just turned it on"


I lay my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him



A whole flock of seagulls

I swallow hard and continue watching the movie

An hour goes by and I slowly grow more tired and eventually fall asleep in his lap


My eyes blink open and I'm laying on my side in my bed

I sit up and look beside me expecting to see Matt but I don't

I see its dark outside so I climb out of my bed and walk out of the room down the stairs and don't see Matt

My phone dings up in my room so I jog back upstairs and grab it from my bed

Husby: you up?

Me: who is this

Husby: Matt

Me: did you change your contact name in my phone

Husby: I would never

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