7. Carlos' Past pt 2 (au)

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*10 years later*
Carlos still feels like he has to make himself feel "normal" around his parents, but he knows that they support him now. Carlos owns a floral shop in downtown part of Austin, he gets an average amount of customers everyday, some ask for a bouquet, some ask for floral arrangements for a party or wedding.

Carlos wasn't a pretty big fan of the traffic in downtown, but his friends Grace and Judd had invited him to a party of the reopening of the 126. Carlos was debating on going, knowing he had to stay at the shop a little later because a couple were looking for the right flower arrangements for their wedding.

Carlos was about to cancel on Grace and Judd but he decided to go over to their house, he thought "It's not too late right?" He drove over to Judd's house and took a breather before he walked in. He didn't recognize a lot of the people in there, but he sure does recognize the paramedic that saved him 10 years ago, gee he aged well throughout these 10 years. He scans the room to find Judd and Grace and he spots them talking to what looks like could be the new captain of the 126 and younger man, younger handsome man. He walks over so he could say hi to Judd and Grace and meet the people they were talking to.

"CARLOS!!" Judd yells, "Whats up man hows the floral shop going?" "All good, had a pretty long end of the shift because this couple were looking for the "perfect and right" flower arrangements. Anyways who are these guys?" "Carlos, this is Owen Strand and his son TK Strand. They came all the way from New York." Carlos shakes Owens hand and proceeds to shake Tk's but TK backs away. Carlos doesnt think anything of it, and goes back to hug Grace. "Hi Ms Grace, look at you stunning as always." "Why thank you Carlos, hope everything is treating you well at the floral shop" she flashes him a small smile and pulls him in for another hug.

Carlos goes to kitchen to get himself something to drink and jumps when he turns and sees TK right behind him. "Tk, right?" "Uh yeah, you're Carlos, right?" "Yeah, so are you a firefighter, or a paramedic? Also you're the captains son, that is so cool!" Carlos remembers that being an addict to pills then quitting and becoming sober made him get personality changes, especially getting excited at things easily, "Sorry, I didnt mean to get too excited about that." "It's fine, and I'm a firefighter, back in New York I was a dual certified firefighter and paramedic." "Wow thats awesome, I was thinking if I could get your number, you know so we could get to know more about each other and hang out sometime" "Yeah sure why not" Tk gives Carlos his number and then walks off.

Carlos goes home after a while because he still has to get up early to open up the floral shop. When he gets home he does his night routine, which is wash his face, brush his teeth, change out of his clothes, and make sure all doors are locked. Hes climbing into bed when he gets a text.

"Hey, its me TK, hope your still up if not then oh well."
"Hi Tk, i was just getting ready to go to bed, is something wrong?"
"No im fine, i cant sleep. i was wondering if we could like call or something before i go to sleep"
"i mean i guess we could do that, i might fall asleep. if i do then you can just end the call, but its your choice"

Carlos and Tk talk on call for a while and eventually Carlos ends up falling asleep while talking to Tk. Tk doesnt end the call because hes getting pretty tired too and falls asleep right away.

~ 6 AM ~
Carlos's alarm goes off and he reaches for his phone and notices that the screen is very hot and still on. He turns the brightness up and looks at the screen. He remembers everything, him and Tk facetimed last night before Tk went to sleep, he must've fallen asleep before Tk. Looks like Tk didnt end the call.

Carlos still doesnt end the call because he needs to get ready, so he walks over to his bathroom and does his morning routine, shower, wash his face, brush his teeth, brush his hair, style it, and put on a fresh outfit. When Carlos walks out of his bathroom he notices his phone is off, he turns it on and sees a text from TK.

"Hey Carlos, I would have ended the call last night but I fell asleep like right after you did lol"
"Its fine i hope you slept well last night. Well i gtg, i gotta get going so i can open the floral shop"

THIS IS HOW IT ENDS!! unless you guys would want a part 3 lmk!!

Also i was half asleep, again, making the first half of this so dont mind any spelling mistakes or just any mistakes in general 😭😭.

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