Ch. 30- Party at the Volkners

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The grandfather clock chimed softly, marking the arrival of midnight, as I gently pushed open the intricately designed door to Ralf's lavishly adorned bedroom. Rya and Ralf were engrossed in conversation, their faces still carrying remnants of the evening's dinner party. Rya, bathed in the lamp's soft glow, gracefully rose from the sofa as she noticed me. Ralf, already in his silk pajamas, lounged in bed.

"Please, do come in, dear," Ralf greeted warmly, his sweet voice echoing through the opulent chamber. With a mix of apology and care, I approached, holding a small bowl and spoon.

"Looks like you missed dessert, Papa," I said softly, hoping to mend the evening's rift.

Ralf responded with a grateful smile, his eyes conveying both appreciation and empathy.

"My daughter's unkind behaviors ruined my appetite. It's alright, Kay. I'll indulge in extra dessert tomorrow. Perhaps I've spoiled her too much since her mother's passing," he confessed, casting an apologetic glance toward Rya and me.

"Don't blame yourself, Papa. I wasn't any better," I admitted, earning a puzzled look from Rya.

"I warned you to tone down the kindness to everyone," Ralf said kindly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it with people I care about," I explained with a smile. "I made Firni, a Bangladeshi dessert, for you, I know you're gonna love it," I added.

"But I have diabetes, and I've already brushed my teeth... If Maria saw my fasting blood sugar rise tomorrow, she would be very angry at me; they all measure my blood sugar every 12 hours..." Ralf began to protest.

"...Can you keep a secret?" I interrupted playfully, getting a chuckle from Ralf and a nod from Rya.

"Secret's safe with me too," Rya assured, gratitude in her eyes as she playfully winked at her father.

Smiling back, I felt the tension ease.


I was tired but also reluctant for the night to end.

As I started to undress after returning to my suite, my phone buzzed, and I saw that it was Nina calling. I picked up the phone while unclipping my earrings.

"Nina?" I asked, hearing the loud music in the background, indicating she was still at the party.

"Kay, where the fuck are you?" Nina's voice came through loudly.

"I'm getting undressed. Where are you?" I inquired, worried something wrong had happened.

"Kay, get your big ass to the guesthouse. We have a DJ and booze...!! We are partying.........." She yelled excitedly, but another man's voice suddenly drowned out her voice.

"Oh, my sexy little Viper, you gave me the biggest boner today at the dinner... What the fuck had you done today?" Rhys's astonished voice, filled with drunken, erratic desire, floated through the phone.

His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Rhys, give me my phone back!!" Nina shouted at him, clearly in a brawl.

"Baby girl, where are you? I need you to be here right now..." Rhys's plea for my presence was interrupted as Nina managed to get her phone back.

"Kay, Rhys is drunk as fuck, don't mind him. Don't bother changing, just come to the guesthouse. We're all partying... Royce and Maria will join us as well. Come with them," Nina explained, her voice muffled by the DJ booth's noise.

"I'll think..." I began to explain, worried about Rhys's drunken state and what he might do.

"Don't think, just... Hey! Hey!! Jasper, that's vodka! You'll die... DON'T DRINK!! JASPER, YOUR MOTHER WILL KILL MEEE...!!!" Nina's frantic yelling was cut off as her call suddenly dropped.

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