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"Lil f*ckwit.." I let my hand fall on my face, I grunted out in pain.

I was now trapped in a hospital, Miles yelling at me through the door, an unconscious brother and an annoying helping noise.

Miles kept threatening me, I think they're all empty threats but it's fun to listen.

One stuck out though;

'Hobie, I swear I will crawl through that window!'

I'd like to see him try.

"Hobie, Don't play with me man!" Miles bashed on the glass, "I'll break it!"

"Do it!" I laughed, "It'd be funny!"

Suddenly, electricity shot through the door and the glass shattered.

"Well 'ello t'ere, Brooklyn," I waved, sitting in my chair causally, "We still crashin' at Gwendie's folks place?"

Miles seemed annoyed by my behavior.. Whatever.

"Yea. We just have to go and ask- Why did you look the door?"

"Gave me some time to take this off my brother-"

Third pov

Hobie held up a small pick, it had 'Harv' tagged on one side in very thin pen.

"My brotha's." Hobie told Miles, "Helps him fight."

"That true.." Miles hummed, puffing up his chest and clicking his tongue nervously, "Can we go now..?"

"Yea, Sure. Which Way's Gwendolyn's?" I asked, He shrugged.

"Dunno, Never been to her dimension."

"Come off it.. Thought ya were snoggin'."

"The hell is 'snoggin'?"


Gwndie ended up letting Hobie crash at her place, Miles choosing to go back to 42 with his 'brother' and his dad before going back to earth 1610..

They were definitely gonna get an ear full from a certain Spider person..

"Right, Gwendolyn, I'm off to check on my brother." Hobie saluted her, it was 4:27am and Miles had entrusted Hobie with Gwen.

"Uh- Yeah no. Miles said you have to stay-" Gwen turned to face Hobie, He was gone, "And your gone- I don't even care."


Hobie swung into the hospital Harv was being held at, He jumped into Harv's room.

"'Ello, Little brother.." Hobie smiled, "You alright? You look a bit sleepy.."

Hobie laughed as he made jokes with no one but himself.

He felt lonely.

Where there was normally two, there was only one.


"Damn it, I miss you, You little b@stard.."

Sorry not sorry for short chps.

Harvey Brown • Brother of Hobie BrownWhere stories live. Discover now