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"Felicity, run!"

The world was in Turmoil. The laughs that filled the streets with cheery children evolved into screams of terror within a day. Everything that I once loved vanished before my eyes. My home, friends and even my family were all gone in a blink of an eye. The last thing I heard before sprinting away from the gory scene, in my home, was my older sister's voice. Her voice which was always calm and sweet turned into desperation and worry shouting at me to escape and run away. I did as she said.

In the collision between the unknown entities was my house, and with no thought for everyone in the building they destroyed it as if it was useless paperwork. As I sprinted away, I didn't look back and left the gods there to demolish everything that was in sight. Soon I arrived in the middle of the city streets trying to find a safe place to hide. Unfortunately, I was getting pushed around by panicking people in the area. One guy that was there was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, because of that idiot I fell butt-first on the rough concrete floor. In my attempt to get up a chilling aura entered the district; it was a strange feeling. On instinct, I hid behind a food stand, on the side of the road, and curled up in a ball with my legs into my chest. Soon I heard the voice of death itself.

"Hydra, Hydra! Look at all these pathetic humans. Let's have some fun, shall we?" she spoke with a hint of demise in her voice.

Despite the fear swirling around in my body, I forced my head to peek over the food stand. My eyes widened. A couple of meters away from me were two God-like creatures. One was on the bare streets bouncing around and killing everyone in sight with her sharp nails. She had light brunette hair that was longer than her own body and bright orange eyes. She also had a hair ornament that was shaped like two swords overlapping. The one next to her, whom she was talking to a while ago, also had long hair but was dark blue and was in a ponytail. She then had mint green eyes that had star-shaped pupils and a crescent moon symbol right below her left eye, but that was not the most noticeable part about her. She had a five-meter-long tail with snake scales that matched her hair color at the back of her waist and sharp snake-like teeth.

"Shut up. You're so annoying," the one known as Hydra replied in an irritated tone.

"Oh, come on. Loosen up a bit, we finally get a chance to play after so many meetings. I think it's time we-"

The child-like god's sentence was cut off when green demonic eyes met with mine. If glaring could pierce then I would be blind. I'm screwed... Was my thought before in a mere second, the orange-eyed goddess was in front of me with an eerie smile.

"Oh, look what we have here. Are you trying to escape? We haven't had time to play yet!" her voice was sweet with an evil intent behind it.

I just sat there with my hands behind me trying to support my body weight, I felt a heavy pressure on me as she smiled innocently at me. With no clue on what I was doing my body moved on its own. I got up, stumbled and dashed away from the massacre. Both gods were dumbfounded at the sudden action I did. The brown-haired god laughed menacingly and bolted after me with her claw-like hands ready to attack me. With all the energy I had in me, I tried to break out from the deities' sight.

"Where do you think you're going? Come ba- whoa!'' The unlabelled god sentence was once cut off yet again by the ground beneath shaking with no warning.

In a change of events, the earth beneath us split open leaving a humongous gap between us. If anyone fell into the cavern they wouldn't be seen again. This clearly made the person that was chasing me upset.

"Oi, Let's go! We don't have time for this" The tailed goddess caught up with us and tried to pull her companion away. She didn't argue and went along with it. She glared at me for the last time and vanished out of thin air.

I sighed in relief, as one problem was solved. But my mood changed dramatically when the shaking started again, but this time more violently. I tried to move away from the cliff by slowly backing away, but unluckily I lost my footing and tripped, which resulted in me falling into the dark void.

The further I fell in this abyss the closer a light approached me. Fighting off the wind I looked below and saw a circle of light with multiple colors inside it. I braced myself for impact, but it never came. Instead, I saw the alluring, luminescent sky that was going into a sunset. It wasn't like that before. A few minutes earlier the sky became bloody red and the whole city was in darkness indicating it was the end of the world. What is going- that was my last thought before my mind was engulfed in complete darkness.


First Chapter: An Unwelcome Guest

Unknown: Tracking Down KnowledgeWhere stories live. Discover now