Prologue - 2 Years Ago

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I have seen many bodies of all different categories during this war.

I cannot describe how many I wish hadn't died, but I know some of them deserved it. So, while I write on this slate, I close my eyes and pray to whoever is out there that my family will survive, I am still grateful for one dragon's death- not because I am petty, but because I have seen the things he's done.

That dragon is my father.

You as the reader of this slate may be confused as to why I hate my father, but the truth is- he hurt my sister.

My sister is the only dragon who understands me. She's the only dragon who gives me a chance at a game, at doing something great.

My father, on the other talon, hates her just because she was hatched. She's a hybrid, yes, but that doesn't mean she can't think and feel like any normal dragon.

My sister is everything to me, she's my hero, my role model, and probably more of my mom than my actual mom would ever be.

Thank you, Skua.


Prince Turtle of the SeaWings
Princes' Corridors, Room 3, Deep Palace

Seven years ago. Ice Kingdom. 13 hours before the Execution of Cryo.

"Cryo of the IceWings, scientist and soldier of Australis. You've been charged with treason for the procreation of hybridized offspring with none other than Queen Coral of the SeaWings. How do you plead?"


I was not about to let those nobles show them the toll this trial had on me, so I smirked nonchalantly, just the way Coral always told me I did. She said she loved that about me, that and the way I would listen to the tellings of her many stories.

In truth, I just liked listening to her voice. Full of emotion and distinguished personality for every word she would read.

She was a masterpiece. A beautiful, talented artist who was laid into the throne.

So when the impudent nobles who have gathered to hear the verdict of my so-called "mistakes." I do not wish for anything but to see my beloved again.

She had scales that glowed like the depths of the seas she ruled. And her eyes held the love of a thousand hearts.

So would I be so wrong to say I was not ashamed of my children? The daughters I was confirmed of by the gift of a SeaWing animus many moons ago?

I would never—could never—think of my daughters as "mistakes."

These IceWings, they only care about social hierarchy and control. They do not see things such as love and compassion. So I am ashamed that I ever thought of this kingdom as a home.

I am just terrified for my daughters. Coral has a husband, so yes, I am slightly at fault, but I love her, and she loves me. I have never felt such love before, and yet, I know the verdict of this trial, no matter to what extent.

I will die, and my little girls will be left with that dragon as a step-father.

Coral had told me of Gill's findings on our relationship, and he was beyond angry. She told me of his trying to break one of my daughter's egg, and I would not have it. If that vengeful king lays a talon on my baby girls, I swear I will kill him even if I am dead before he has a chance to.

So my Coral and I proposed a solution, we each would care for one egg and name it. But my IceWing adversaries were quick to notice Coral's egg hidden within many layers of polar bear skin and I had to flee.

The egg I was entrusted with was the same blue as my scales, but it had swirls of darker blue around it, decorating it like the ruffled feathers of a sea-fairing bird in the ocean breeze.

Whoever may be in that egg, she was a resilient little one. I could tell she would never give up, and for her I would never give up.

I had travelled day and night with my little pirate. And along they way, she picked up the perfect name.


The name of a feisty, resourceful, and perseverant arctic bird. A name well suited for the hybrid of sea and ice.

I remember reading to her at night, letting her listen to the scrolls her mother would read to me. "... there was something off about Dipu, though Iruka couldn't figure it out for the life of her..."

I miss those days.

Now I sit in the palace, awaiting my death sentence.

"For your acts of treason and dishonor," Narwhal, Queen Glacier's brother, is saying, "you have been sentenced to the Diamond Trials."

That stirs me awake. "What!? That method of punishment was abandoned years ago!"

Narwhal smirks at me like the sly, cunning fox he is, "Your point being?"

I fall silent and Narwhal hums.

Seven years ago. Ice Kingdom. One hour before Cryo's death.

I stepped into the frigid ice cave with no regrets.

Navigating the labyrinth of ice was near impossible, but I had remembered a story my love once had told me. It was about a SeaWing princess, stuck in a maze by her overprotective father who dragged her right talon along the right wall and eventually found her way out. So if I was trying to find my way in, all I'd need to do is drag my left talon on the left wall.

Unfortunately, my hypothesis worked.

I had my spear with me, and I did what every ice dragon was told to do when entering the Diamond Trails, tap the night dragon and fight her.

I tapped her figure with my spear and the ice that covered her melted away, leaving her alive and ready to finish me.

But I sighed with resignation and I felt my talons let go of my spear.

{972 words}

I slightly revamped the prologue, because the shortness of it was just not right, so here y'all go <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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