Chapter 2

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" why do you look sad "
My eyes widen when I heard him say that which got everyone else's attention and looked over at us " wha what you talking about Luffy I'm fine "

" Na you eyes look sad " Luffy said getting more closer to me I didn't know what to say especially with everyone staring at me

" I .... I .... I have to go " I said getting up from my seat and making my way to the door " wait Y/N " I heard Dot call out but I was already out the door


"  YOU SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE NOW YOU MADE HER UPSET !!!!! " Nami shouted at Luffy waking his head in the process followed by Sanji " Moron how dare you make a lady cry "

" you think she's ok " Chopper asked in a worried voice " don't know she's usually not like this then again she's still new to the crew so we don't know that much about her " Robin said

" hey Dot you've known Y/N the longest has she always been like that " Zoro asked Dot " to be honest I don't really know she's never shown any signs of sadness even when she tells me she's alright there's a hint in her voice that tells me she isn't "

" maybe something might have happened to Y/N-dono that she hasn't told us about " Kin'emon said " it might not be a good time to ask I think we should wait until she is ready to tell us but for now I think one of us should go check on her, make sure she is ok " Franky suggested

" I'll do it " Luffy said " YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH ALREADY IDIOT !!!!! " Nami and Sanji yelled at him angrily

The sound of a chair moving back was then heard everyone turned to see Law getting out of his chair and walking out the door while putting on his hat the room then turned silent after that no one said anything until Luffy spoke up.

" is Y/N gonna finish her food "

' WHACK !!!!! '
Chapter 2: A connection

I was out on the deck staring out at the sea watching the waves roam by the ship while the wind blew threw my hair still thinking about what Luffy said how did he knew I was sad, while staring I had memories of everything I've been told in my life...

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I was out on the deck staring out at the sea watching the waves roam by the ship while the wind blew threw my hair still thinking about what Luffy said how did he knew I was sad, while staring I had memories of everything I've been told in my life that I've tried to forget but never could.

You stupid girl

All your ever good for is causing trouble

You can't even do this one job right

I wish were never existed in the first place

" Y/N "

" Y/N "

" Y/N "

" Y/N - ya " A voice said getting me out of my thoughts I turn my head to see Law " oh ... hey Law what are you doing here "

The surgeon and the broken Girl ( Law x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now