Cover Up

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    Oh this crazy world can sure be a cruel mistress sometimes can't it? Just look at it, quite a sad sight seeing the heart wilt away like it does. What hit it so terribly hard you ask? I'll tell you dear friend, you see it was a cover up, something unseen by vision so easily blinded by adoration and love. 

  It's always like the time it takes to blink, you never see it coming. Who would ever see a knife getting plunged into their spine, especially by one that causes that blinding love. It's almost sickening to have that rose colored hue on the world fall victim to a seeping red and then fade to black.

  It's almost like the director permanently calling curtains on an unsuspecting star just starting their dream. A love that was just a lie to cover the love being given to another could sypher the life of any extraordinarily loving individual. An absolute shell of the person they were lay dormant, maybe for another to bring to life one day.

  Depressing, to see the potential for a beautiful garden of love to blossom, only for a poison in the water itself to drive that future away. All for a cover up, a venture for someone new to uncover when the opportunity arises. Maybe one day, with gentle care, that garden may blossom again. 

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