side chapter 3| part 2

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HAPPY 15.8K READS GAYSSSSSS . IM SO SO GRATEFUL THANKS A LOT. So this I stage chapter I promised. Wrote it in rush cuz I'm on internship and it's hella hectic right now but eh I thought about you my loves 💕 anyway enjoy this chapter! And thanks again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.


Me- why are we at hyunjins'?

Emi- a welcome party. Hyunjin absolutely wanted to make one and today was the day he choosed. You know how he is I'm even surprised he didn't jump on you when he saw you.

She had a point. Hyunjin was the biggest block head you could ever meet.

Me- how did you get this close to them ?

Emi-  since I spent most of my times with binnie it would be strange I'm not close to them.

Me- oh. you didn't tell me why you kiss  really hurt seeing you our eyes even met. Did you do that on purpose?

Emi- well yeah. The purpose was to hurt you as much as possible and at that time I thought you knew binnie and I used to date in middle school. It's afterwards that he told me you didn't.

Me- why are you so honest about it?

Emi- you wanted me to lie to you? Well no you deserve to feel it twice. It's payback for leaving without telling anyone before hand. Do you know how much I looked for you?

Me- I'm sorry.

Emi- don't apologise. It's all in the past now.

Emi always had this habit of looking away when she was being honest. With time I noticed all the small habits she had. And right now she was starring at some random point on the wall while sipping her drink. I wanted to kiss her, but hyunjin came out of nowhere and I couldn't believe what he called her.

Hyunjin- hey lil mama what you eating? The usual?

Me- how did you call her? And what is the usual? Aren't you too close to her??

Hyunjin- I don't think any of this concern you. Anyway lil mama you didn't reply. Should lee know make you the usual?

Emi- yeah I'll have that tell him to put more spice this time.

Me- what ?

Hyunjin- lil mama only eats Lino's food. Isn't it funny?

Me- even Lee know?! How did she got so close to you guys?

Hyunjin- well... She used to spend all her time with changbin Hyung so she obviously spent time with us and things following things we became close. And so much  things happen when you weren't there.

Me- and I guess you won't say anything.

Hyunjin- hey I don't want to be killed haha. Seriously I'm in no position to tell you. You will know on time.

Me- what the fuck is that actually supposed to means?

Hyunjin- heh I'm in no position to talk. Shall we go now? Everyone is waiting for you.

Me- me?

Hyunjin- yes you. All of this is for you.

He then dragged me into the center of the living room. It was fun. All my old classmates were there. Almost. I made a speech and didn't forget to mention emi now and then to make her feel a little embarrassed. Her ears were all red how cute. Felix's girlfriend arrived later with a lot of alcohol. Her reason? " We're already all adults so let's drink like our lives are on the line" I bet she was already drunk. After some few drinks not to say a lot, the others were already dancing like maniacs to any songs that passed. They weren't even in rythme with the songs most of the time.

After some time I saw emi go out to the balcony. Yes hyunjin is a rich kid with a balcony in his house. I followed her and I saw her with binnie. They were smoking? Since when does she smoke? I never thought she would. I got a little closer. Then I heard my name.

Binnie- so when do you plan on telling chan what you did?

Emi- I don't know. When he will be ready.

Binnie- and when will he be ready? He's not child stop doing that

Emi- do what?

Binnie- decide for others.

Emi- can we.... Not talk about it right now?

Binnie- alright. As you wish but one day he'll know and the earlier the better.

Emi- yeah yeah I know stop nagging me. I'm the oldest here.

Binnie- pfft hahaha then act like one will ya? My cute small big sister.

And then he kissed her cheek.

Emi- see this is why all your girlfriends think you're always cheating on them with me.

Binnie-I don't know what you are talking about.

Emi-yeah keep playing innocent.

Her phone rang and the look on her face could tell how much she was irritated.

Emi- hello... Yeah... Look it's - hey don't interrupt me when I'm talking.... Alright alright. He's here..the others are already drunk.... Yeah you can come now.

She let out a heavy sigh. Wow that was long. I wonder who it was. The answer to my question came immediately when the door bell rang. Emi and changbin started walking in my direction and ran as fast as I could before getting caught. I sat on the sofa pretending to drink. Emi and changbin walked to the door and changbin gave me a look. What's the meaning of that? Emi didn't bother looking at me. Her face was very cold. Even I didn't have the guts to call her. The atmosphere surrounding her was scary. I don't know how changbin isn't scared.

The door opened on a face I barely recognized at first but then when his face lightened up and his smile showed up making his eyes closed like that of a fox when he saw me I knew exactly who it was. Yang jeongin I mean. I still can't believe he's the one who spread that picture of emi and me. How and when did he even take it? He tried to pass over emi but she stopped him with her hand and his face dropped. From where I was I could hear their conversation.

Jeongin- but noona you said I could see him!!

Emi- I said see not jump on him. See the difference.

Jeongin- mmmmh! I want to see bangchan Hyung!!

Emi- stop acting like a child will ya? Now calm down and don't cry. Okay?

Jeongin- okay.

Emi- good boy. Now go and great him. Politely!

Wait are these really tears he's wiping? No fucking way. And did she pat his head? And and how the fuck did her expression changed that fast!?

Jeongin- uhm ... Hi Hyung. It's been a very very very long time...uhm do you mind if I...

He wanted to hug me. He didn't change a bit. Just his appearance changed.

Me- sure do. But don't -

Jeongin- aaaaa!! Hyung I missed you so so much!! And I did a very terrible thing to both of you I'm so sorry!! Please forgive me.

He was crying like a baby in my arms. Emi was at the kitchen counter... Watching both of us. Her face didn't have any expression on it. She was just starring at us. Drinking her bear. Come to think of it. Her alcohol tolerance is impressive.

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