Disappointment She Was

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"You know our love would be tragic"

- The Weeknd

"Issa," His familiar voice made her stomach flutter. The blue eyes she'd grown so used to infiltrated her head.

"What are you doing here?" Marissa wanted to yell but instead kept her voice steady. "Did you follow me here?"

"I wanted to see what your husband is all about. You seem to really like him."

The jealousy was written all over his face but she shook it off. "You can't be here, Cam. It's suspicious."

He backed her up against the bathroom wall. "I can do whatever I want, Issa. You're the one who's making it suspicious." He put an arm over her head, caging her between the wall and his body.

"We had an agreement."

His eyes flicked from hers to her lips. "When was that? A week ago, Issa. Don't you think it's a little fucked up? You've been with him for three years and here you are melting at just the sight of me."

Her breath grew shallow. "You don't know what you're talking about. And at least I took the incentive to stop."

"A week ago, Issa." She felt his fingertips clutch her chin.

He was right. She was melting at the sight of him. Along with the feeling of his hands on her. This was bad, really bad.


"Shhh," he shushed her before putting his lips on hers. Marissa didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

When he pulled away the eye-contact they formed was intense.

She put a hand on his chest, feeling his body heat through his shirt. "No, Cameron. We can't do this. I just got married yesterday."

"But you don't really love him, do you? You love me, Issa. Admit it." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"Of course I love him. I married him for a reason." She was growing irritated at both him and herself. She needed to get her point through and hurry back to the table before anyone suspected anything.

"For his money, no?"


"Marissa, it's so obvious. You don't give two fucks about him. Your business failed and so you decided to marry him for money. I'm okay with that."

Marissa shook her head. "That's not true, Cameron-"

"Don't lie to yourself."

His hand made it to her waist. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

This was really, really bad.

She let him kiss her.


Marissa laid her head on Charles' lap but all she could think about was how his lips felt on hers.

Cameron and her had history.

She had dated him five years ago, just before her parents passed. They had only been together for two months but it felt like forever. He had been her first boyfriend, her first time, her first everything. She was more than okay with that until she realized how toxic he really was.

After taking her virginity it seemed like her only purpose in their relationship was to be used for sex. That seemed great at the beginning. He was really good in bed but that slowly became less appealing.

So they parted ways only for him to return three years later. Marissa was sure she hated him until they encountered each other again. It was something about the color of his eyes, the way his hands emitted a different type of warmth throughout her body. Whatever it was it made her give into him.

Even though she had already moved on to a new relationship she ended up in his bed. That one night of pleasure grew into an addiction.

She kept telling herself she would stop seeing him. She had Charles for fucks sake. But she couldn't stop and somehow always found herself boning him.

It continued for 2 years, on and off, until just a week ago. She practically screamed at Cameron to get her point across. He agreed to stop but clearly didn't follow through with that.

Nobody knew about their secret escapades. About how she screamed his name at night. About how he made her forget Charles.

The part she wasn't willing to come to terms with was the fact he was right. Her business had failed. And her relationship with Charles didn't start out that way, but she did marry him for his money. She didn't love him.

It was fucked up but it was the truth.

She has secrets upon secrets that not even her closest friends could know. That included her siblings which is why she hasn't told them about her failed buissness.

What a disappointment she was.


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