Ch. 12 // Deny, Deny, Deny

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The first thing Louisa thought when she opened her eyes was that her eyes weren't actually open. Despite blinking several times, her vision stayed dark. Her second thought was that it felt like her head was splitting in two from her headache. Voices echoed from somewhere above her. When she went to lift a hand to wipe her eyes, she found it impossible.

What the devil? Her hands were bound with what felt like thick rope. The coarse fibers dug into her skin with every small movement. She then realized that her lack of vision was in fact due to a burlap sack that had been placed over her head. Shifting her feet, she felt more rope binding her ankles to the legs of the chair she was confined in.

The muffled voices grew louder as she tracked the footsteps above her which seemed to be getting closer. Confusion gave way as Louisa began to remember the day's events; escaping the pirates, landing in port, joining in the festivities.

Dancing with Taron.

But also going up to their rooms. The knock on the door and that chemical smell before the darkness had taken her. As that memory crossed her mind, Louisa felt the panic begin to rise in her chest. She had been taken, but not just taken. She had been kidnapped against her will.

Who would've known that I was at the inn? Was someone following me? Or... could it have been... No, I mustn't think things like that. But he was the only one who knew what room I was staying in...

The sound of a door swinging open and slamming shut startled her out of her internal debate. Two pairs of footsteps descended down the stairs and stalked across the stone slab floor.

"If she ain't awake by now, I'm throwin' cold water over her." The male voice grew near as it spoke. Roughly, the mystery man pulled the burlap sack off her head.

"Usually our guests are screamin' by now," he remarked over his shoulder.

Louisa followed his line of sight over his shoulder. A second man stepped out of the shadows with the same face.


Great, as if one captor wasn't enough, Louisa thought to herself. Blinking against the harsh light of the wall sconces, she squinted to see the faces in front of her.

Amber eyes pooling with gold stared back at her. The two brooding men shared identical wicked grins–the kind that seemed to say "one wrong move and you're dead." Louisa sat lower in her chair.

"Who do you work for?" Demanded the man who pulled the burlap sack off her head. He towered over her, the torch light glowing against his ebony skin. His cream cravat poked out from beneath the dark tailcoat he was wearing. Tan breeches bordering on the color of mustard disappeared into tall black boats. There was no doubting he looked intimidating.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" Louisa rasped out. The twins took a step closer to her.

"Don't play daft, now. We know all about you."

At this, Louisa took a pause. How has my identity already been compromised? I've only been on English soil for a few hours! Louisa's thoughts whirled around in her head as she frantically tried to latch on to a strategy to save her mission. I mustn't tell a soul about Henry Taylor. I will protect the Sons of Sovereignty no matter the punishment they might bestow upon me.

"I think you have me confused for someone else, sir." Louisa tried to school her expression into one of feminine innocence.

Deny, deny, deny.

"I think we both know that to be false. Miss Louisa."

They knew her name.

"I haven't the faintest idea who you're referring to. My name is Theodosia Grant." Louisa bluffed.

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